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Hudson Common Council approves LWRP

Dec 02, 2011 12:07 am
Tom Casey in the Register-Star reports that Wednesday evening, the Hudson Common Council passed the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and several amendments to local laws at a special meeting at City Hall. The Council voted 9-1 to pass the measures, with only Third Ward Alderman (and WGXC volunteer) Ellen Thurston voting against. “I think the city has gained a real advantage by the zoning, by the ability to begin to consider development, (and) to pursue grants,” said Common Council President Don Moore, according to Casey's report in the newspaper. Tim O’Connor expressed his disdain for the process from the audience, "asking the council what would happen when “the state rejects the findings statement on the GEIS,” Casey reported O'Conner saying. “I supposed you’ll just move forward with it anyway,” said O’Connor. “You just dig the hole and you get the permit later, that’s what I think is going to happen.” Casey says those comments, "sparked a short shouting match between O’Connor and several of the aldermen until the meeting was adjourned." Read the full story in the Register-Star.