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NYSUT leads anti-Cuomo protest at Capitol

Mar 03, 2015 6:47 am
Jessica Bateman is reporting at Capital New York more than 1,000 teachers and public education advocates marched through the Empire State Plaza concourse Mon., Mar. 2, in a protest of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's education reform proposals. Led by New York State United Teachers, protesters arrived from around the state in 15 buses, as well as by car from local school districts. The teachers' union is the primary opponent of Cuomo’s plans to overhaul the teacher evaluation system and tenure laws, and to boost charter schools. Members of both houses of the Legislature attended the rally, Monday. Earlier that day approximately 100 pro-charter school advocates rallied in support of Cuomo’s proposals in the same location. Education reform group Families for Excellent Schools has planned a massive outdoor rally for Wed., Mar. 4. Read the full story at Capital New York.