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Murphy takes first swipe at Gibson
Jul 09, 2010 11:17 pm
Kinderhook-based Republican candidate Chris Gibson's couple of months attacking incumbent Scott Murphy with the Democrat not mentioning his future opponent's name are over. Today Murphy's staff released the following press release:
Gibson's staff responded with:
"Today, Congressman Scott Murphy’s campaign called on Chris Gibson to let the voters of the 20th District know whether he stands with Main Street or Wall Street. In an attempt to play both sides, Chris Gibson has refused to answer newspapers across the district when asked how he would have voted on Wall Street Reform. 'The Wall Street reform bill that Congressman Murphy helped pass last week is going to end taxpayer funded bailouts and prevent another financial crash like the one that just cost us eight million American jobs,' said Mitch Wallace, campaign spokesperson. 'Yet Chris Gibson has refused to say whether he would have voted yes or no on the bill. Chris Gibson needs to stop dodging questions and let the people of the 20th District know whether he stands with Main Street or Wall Street.'"
Republican candidate Chris Gibson, Murphy’s challenger, couldn’t find time to talk to me today, but his spokesman issued a statement praising and criticizing the bill. [7/1/10, Albany Times Union]
“The bill has some good components, but it also has many flaws,” said Gibson. [7/2/10, Hudson Register Star]
Gibson's staff responded with:
"Unlike Mr. Murphy I would represent all the citizens of the 20th District, not the special interests he has consistently taken his marching orders from. Our campaign advocates growing the private sector economy by removing the impediments to growth with targeted tax and regulatory relief and by
repealing and replacing that disastrous health care bill. And we advocate for restoring fiscal responsibility by balancing the budget through reduced federal spending, not new taxes. Time and again Mr. Murphy has followed the orders of Speaker Pelosi and the Obama Administration voting for bills that hurt our district, bills such as health care, cap and trade and co-sponsoring card check legislation. I have stated all along I opposed the Dodd-Frank Bill because it does not solve the root cause of the Wall Street meltdown. Although I do like certain aspects of the Bill, by not reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the taxpayers will continue to be vulnerable to bail outs of failed government policies for years to come. I noticed in a recent article that Mr. Murphy described the Dodd-Frank bill as 'big.' We certainly agree on that. This bill, weighing in at over 2,000 pages and creating yet more new big government at a time when we clearly need to reduce the size of government, is more bad legislation we don't need. In addition to Fannie and Freddie, we need more transparency in actions that involve public monies. We have federal agencies now that are responsible for that - the SEC and FED. What we should have done is reform these existing agencies - not create new ones. Mr. Murphy has once again sided with special interests and against the interests of citizens in our district. Mr. Murphy's policies not only hurt those living on Main Street, they hurt people living in our suburbs, rural areas and farms. This must change. In November our voters will have the opportunity to elect new leadership and a true voice for the people of the 20th district. I have proven leadership you can count on and am ready to answer that call."
See link about the cost to taxpayers from the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout: