WGXC-90.7 FM

Exploring Pumusiitookw waak Kulustaakw: an Indigenous Soundwalk at Wave Farm with Wild Hudson Valley
5662 Route 23 | Acra, NY 12405 | 518-622-2598
Join us for a special (free admission) guided tour of Pumusiitookw waak Kulustaakw, Wave Farm's soundwalk that honors the native people of the region and their ancestors. At each stop of the soundwalk, co-creator and local ethnoecologist Justin Wexler will delve into the history of local Lunaapee people, their relationship with the environment, and talk about their communities today. Free.
Wave Farm gives thanks to Wild Hudson Valley for their ongoing effort in bringing awareness to this land and its original peoples. Pumusiitookw waak Kulustaakw: an Indigenous Soundwalk at Wave Farm was created by Wild Hudson Valley with voice recording by Kristin Jacobs, a member of Moraviantown also known as Delaware Nation. For more information, visit wildhudsonvalley.com or delawarenation.on.ca Anushiik.