WGXC-90.7 FM

The Subliminal World: Intuitive, Stochastic, and Supernatural Sound-making
NOTE: This workshop has reached its registration cap of 50 participants. You are encouraged to sign-up for Wave Farm's monthly emails so to be informed of future workshops and other opportunities.
Led by Wave Farm Radio Art Fellow Tyler Maxin, in this free, three-part workshop, participants will consider the broader histories of intuitive, coincidental, and supernatural sound-making, including automatism, collage, sonification, and radio scanning, and their possible uses as artistic prompts. Topics will include the intertwined relationship between the development of telegraphy and radio, and communication with the beyond; the Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) as a creative practice; the generative powers of synchronicity and pareidolia; and the allure of hidden and subliminal worlds. There are planned guest visits, including musician and writer Doug Skinner, whose forthcoming book Music From Elsewhere collects examples of supernaturally-derived musical notation, and artist Aki Onda discussing his piece Nam June's Spirit Was Speaking To Me. Workshop sessions will take place Sundays 6 p.m. EST, January 22 - February 5, 2023 via Zoom.