Live from World Listening Project

World Listening Project Logo

World Listening Project Logo. (May 15, 2021)

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THE WORLD LISTENING PROJECT (WLP) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization devoted to fostering understanding of the world and its natural environment, societies and cultures through the practices of listening and field recording.

The WLP was founded in 2008 and partners with many organizations such as the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, a membership organization affiliated with the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.

The WLP maintains a website and online forum about its artistic and educational activities. These include the use of radio and web-based technologies, conducting public workshops, forums, and lectures, as well as participating in exhibitions, symposiums, and festivals. Most notably among these is World Listening Day. Initiated by the WLP in 2010, World Listening Day is an annual event that engages and expands the global community in varied practices and concerns of listening and field recording.