Tetsuo Kogawa
Tetsuo Kogawa is a performance artist who—aside from being a university professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Tokyo Keizai Universiuy, the director of the Goethe Archive Tokyo, and a prolific writer on media philosophy, information technology, film works, Kafka, and various contemporary themes—has been teaching workshops for many years, showing people how to build their own FM transmitters from simple electronic components. These workshops also provoke those involved to consider the technical, political, and social ramifications of electromagnetic broadcasts. By building transmitters the workshop participants inevitably deconstruct broadcasting, challenging their own notions of what broadcasting is now and whiat it could be. He has been likewise challenging radical experiments of radio art using and exhibiting his invented devices in various cities of Europe and North America. Since the mid-nineties, he has also been involved in creating and organizing his own webpages.