WGXC-90.7 FM

Tabs Out: Aaron Dilloway, Andreas Brandal, Ben Wheeler

Jun 18, 2022: 10pm - 11:59 pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Standing Wave Radio

wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm

Produced by Mike Haley, David Doyen, and Joe B.

Aaron Dilloway - Blue Studies (For Tom Smith) (Hanson Records)
Elementals' Orrery - s/t (Pacific City Sound Visions/Galapex-Orpheus Media)
Gus Callahan - From Sun to Sound (Atlantic Rhythms)
M.C. Schmidt - From Fountains to Sewers (E2E4)
:RAH: - Songs of the South (Strange Noise Records)
Bardo Todol - La Siembra Eterna (Never Anything)
Ben Wheeler - Lurji T'algha (Crash Symbols)
Gnoll - Cro-man (Heimat Der Katastrophe)
Andreas Brandal - Not A Triangle (Flophouse)

Cassettes are played on this show, tapes only. tabsout.com. Send cassettes to Tabs Out;
905 North Jackson Street;
Wilmington, DE 19806;
Email: contact@tabsout.com