WGXC-90.7 FM
Distract and Disable: July 2012
Jul 21, 2012: 2pm - 3pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Jonny Farrow.
Distract and Disable is hosted by Chicago-based artist Jonny Farrow. This monthly program, produced for WGXC 90.7-FM Expermental Sounds and Transmission Arts, focuses on themes including Sound Sculpture, Feedback, Analogue Synthesis, Contact Mics Here and There, The Lake, Phone Poems, Noise, The Loop, The Prairie, Public Address, Construction, The Lobby/Elevator/Escalator, The Chicago River. More information is available on the Distract and Disable blog.