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Ulster lawmakers delay vote on bag ban
Aug 15, 2018 6:45 am
Patricia Doxsey is reporting for the Daily Freeman Ulster County lawmakers have delayed a vote on a proposed law to ban the use of plastic bags. On August 14, the measure was sent back to the Legislature's Energy and Environment Committee for further review, after Legislator Tracey Bartels requested a formal environmental review of the proposed ban. Comments made by the food industry alliance raised the need for a State Environmental Quality Review Act review, Bartels said. She said that while she believed the ban would have passed if it had been put to a vote, she wanted to be certain the law would not face frivolous challenges. “I’m really proceeding out of an abundance of caution,” Bartels said. The Bring Your Own Bag Act would ban the use of single-use plastic shopping bags in Ulster County; require stores to charge five cents for recyclable paper bags provided to customers; and fine stores that violate the law. Restaurants located outside of grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores or food marts would be exempt. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.