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Ulster Democrats change vice chair

Oct 01, 2018 12:14 am
The Mid-Hudson News Network reports that Frank Cardinale remains the chairman of the Ulster County Democratic Committee, after a vote Sept. 27, but there is a new vice chair, as Gladys Figueroa, a retired New York City police officer, defeated incumbent Karen Markisenis. Kingston City Chairman Joseph Donaldson challenged Cardinale for the top spot, but Cardinale won another two-year term. Donaldson wrote to the committee before the vote that, “While the current Ulster County party leadership has maintained control of the county executive and comptroller offices, we believe the party should do more to broaden those successes by better adapting to changing demographics.” Cardinale said after the vote that, “We’re in a good place right now and we’re going to ride it as long as we can.” Read the full story in the Mid-Hudson News Network.