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Radio News: FCC Chairman Ajit Pai jokes that he is a Verizon puppet
Dec 11, 2017 10:50 pm
Dell Cameron and Rhett Jones report at Gizmodo a week before the head of the Federal Communications Commission votes to eliminate net neutrality, Ajit Pai joked about being a shill of the telecommunications industry. Pai spoke Dec. 7 at the Federal Communications Bar Association, what is known as the telecom prom. Gizmodo got leaked video of Pai ending his "monologue" with a video skit about how he got to be FCC chief that works as wonderful radio theatre. It takes place at “Verizon’s DC Office” in 2003, where Pai was as an attorney. Kathy Grillo, Verizon senior vice president and deputy general counsel, tells him: “As you know, the FCC is captured by the industry, but we think it’s not captured enough, so we have a plan.” “What plan?” Pai asks. “We want to brainwash and groom a Verizon puppet to install as FCC chairman,” the executive says. “Think ‘Manchurian Candidate.’” “That sounds awesome,” Pai responds. Click here to hear a short excerpt of Ajit Pai Radio Theatre.