WGXC-90.7 FM

Taran's Free Jazz Hour: Taran's Free Jazz Hour: Natsuki Tamura

Jul 26, 2013: 1am - 3am
free103point9 Online Radio

Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen

WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Hosted by Taran.

Episode 17 of 2013 of two-hour free jazz show that airs on eight European radio stations and free103point9 Online Radio and WGXC 90.7-FM in the Hudson Valley, in New York, in the United States. Click on title to access the playlist.
emanem challenge: SME-john stevens,dr/ jeff clyne, b/ bruce cale, b/ trevor watts, as/ paul rutherford, tbn/ kenny wheeler, flhrn new surfacing: john stevens, perc, cornet, vo, tp/ nigel coombes, vin/ roger smith, g sitting on your stairs: lol coxhill, ss/ michel doneda, ss nottwo satoko fujii ma-do: natsuki tamura, tp/ satoko fujii, p/ norikatsu koreya, b/ akira horikoshi, dr colin webster | mark holub the claw: webster, ts, as, bari sax/ mark holub, dr, perc rob mosher rob mosher's polebridge: rob mosher, ss, cl, eng horn/ micah killion, tpt/ john marcus, vln/ stephanie nilles, p, b3, vo/ andrew small, b, fiddle driff circuitous: dave rempis, ts, as, bari s/ keefe jackson, ts, bcl, cbcl/ pandelis karayorgis, p/ frank rosaly, dr window a doorway: guillermo gregorio, cl/ steve swell, tbn/ pandelis karayorgis, p the whammies play steve lacy vol 2: jorris dijkstra, as, lyricon/ pandelis karayorgis, p/ jeb bishop, tbn/ mary oliver, vln, viola/ nate mcbride, b/ han bennink, dr cocoon: p karayorgis, p/ jef charland, b/ luther gray, dr red toucan knoten: thomas heberer, tp/ achim kaufman, p norbert stein pata on the cadillac: norbert stein, ts/ & band muscle kings of mexico: sami sippola, s/ ville rauhala, b mike mahaffay natural: mike mahaffay/ john jensen/ michael lastra/ lisa lipton/ michael moss/ scott steele/ enrique ugalde