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Delgado off to visit migrant detention centers on border

Jul 19, 2019 12:47 am
Paul Kirby reports in the Daily Freeman that 16 days after about 100 people protested conditions at border facilities where migrants are held, and Rep. Antonio Delgado's lack of response to the issue, the first-term Congressperson announced a border tour. Protesters at his office in Kingston July 2 wanted four specific things from Delgado: an immediate visit to a detention center, work to close the centers, rejecting any additional federal funding for family detention and deportation, and help reuniting families. On July 19 he'll fulfill their first request as he heads to the Rio Grand Valley in Texas to examine the conditions in government facilities at the U.S.-Mexico border. “I share in the outrage and frustration at the reports we’ve seen of facilities at our southern border, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to join my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to see, hear and feel these conditions first-hand,” Delgado, a Democrat from Rhinebeck, said in a prepared statement. “I plan to use this visit as an opportunity to provide much-needed oversight and probe CBP and HHS officials to ensure these facilities maintain the safe and sanitary conditions required by our laws." Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.