WGXC-90.7 FM

The Watt From Pedro Show: 20231125
Nov 25, 2023: 10pm - 11:59 pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm
Produced by Mike Watt.
Subscribable audio show (find it on iTunes) from Mike Watt (solo artist, Minutemen, fIREHOSE, Iggy & The Stooges) playing some tunes and doing some spiel. Assisted by brother matt and coming to you from the wild kingdom at the pleasure point, in San Pedro, California.
- Action Kids / Martin Albert Sponticcia
- I Apologise / Prick
- Impressions / John Coltrane
- Snake Oil / Non Credo
- Big Teeth / Non Credo
- Plain Speak / Marnie Stern
- Solo In A / Emily Robb
- Black Triangle from the Atlantic - 2019 / Bob Lord
- LFO 1 / Martina Berther
- Soon Will Be Flood / CUP
- Itchin' Litigious / Kira Vollman
- Nascent Complacency - Outzeit the Geist / Kira Vollman
- In This Moment / mssv
- Awake Man / Guided By Voices
- Summer Session #7 / Infinite river
- Never Ending / Jeb Bishop
- The Derelicts All Vie for My Affection / Kira Vollman
- Nightmares on Toast / Kira Vollman
- Madam, I'm Macadam / Bomis Prendin
- Perplex / Doug Wimbish
- I Have A Feeling / Jad Fair
- Easy (Fight to Forget) / Son Lux