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Bard gets grant for hydroelectric dams
May 19, 2016 12:03 am
John Ferro in the Poughkeepsie Journal reports that when Bard College took ownership of the Montgomery Place estate in January, the school also got a couple of old dams. On May 16 Bard received $1 million in state funding Monday to help let a few of the state's 6,700 dams create electric power. Bard was one of three colleges that received a $1 million grant from New York State, and will create at least three hydroelectic projects, though maybe not on campus. “Innovation is at the core of Bard’s mission," Bard President Leon Bottstein said in a statement, "and this award helps us to continue to innovate in environmental issues and energy conservation, and to signal the importance of these issues to the entire higher education community.” Read the full story in the Poughkeepsie Journal.