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Important state laws taking effect in 2018
Jan 01, 2018 6:55 am
Matthew Hamilton is reporting in the Times Union that dozens of new laws take effect in the new year, but provided a brief rundown of the big changes coming.
- - The minimum wage upstate is now $10.40 per hour; and for fast food workers it is now $11.75 outside of New York City. The upstate wage will peak at $12.50 as of Dec. 31, 2020 and is supposed to increase to $15 after that based annual economic studies by the state Division of Budget.
- - The state paid family leave program officially begins January 1. New Yorkers are now eligible for paid leave benefits to care for a newborn or newly adopted child, to take care of an ailing family member, or if a spouse, child or parent is called away to active military duty.
- - Public employees and officers will be allowed paid time off to get screened for any cancers as of March 18.
- - The constitutional amendment approved by the voters now allows judges to reduce or strip the pension of public officials convicted of a felony related to their official duties.
- - Beginning April 21, motorcycle safety awareness will be be added as a prerequisite for new drivers to obtain a driver's license.
- - And as of June 16, New York charities will be able to accept cash, check, or credit or debit cards for raffle ticket purchases, and be able to sell tickets online or on a mobile app.