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State teachers union loses tax cap challenge
Sep 26, 2014 7:16 am
Matthew Hamilton is reporting in the Times Union a state Supreme Court justice dismissed a New York State United Teachers challenge to the state property tax cap. The union, however, was offered a chance to amend its lawsuit. NYSUT filed the action against the state, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, Comptroller Tom DiNapoli and Education Commissioner John King in February 2013, claiming the tax cap legislation was unconstitutional as it applies to public schools. In a 16-page ruling released Thurs., Sept. 25, Judge Patrick McGrath dismissed the case, citing numerous earlier court decisions as precedent. NYSUT pointed to five areas of error by the state when it imposed the cap in 2011. McGrath rejected each claim in his decision. The union said it was reviewing the decision. Read the full story in the Times Union.