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Hein vetoes changes to ethics board appointment process
Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
Patricia Doxsey is reporting for the Daily Freeman Ulster County Executive Michael Hein September 13, vetoed a local law that would have given the county Legislature significant power over the county’s ethics board. In defending the override, Hein said the result of enacting the law would be to create “a pathway to any number of unethical behaviors where a future Legislature can appoint the majority of the members ... and remove any member expressing opposing views or whose opinion they simply do not like.” Hein called the measure "politically motivated" and said it was both technically flawed and violated the tenets of good government. The county Legislature voted in August in favor of the measure, which would take away from the county executive the sole ability to make appointments to the ethics panel, and give the Legislature control over three of those appointments. It also would allow the Legislature to remove any member of the Board of Ethics by a simple-majority vote. County lawmakers must now decide if they want to attempt an override of Hein's veto. If they muster the 16 votes needed for the override, the measure will go to the voters in November for a final decision. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.