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Public hearings set for Greene 2015 elder services
Sep 25, 2014 12:45 am
The Daily Freeman is reporting the Greene County Department of Human Services will hold a series of public hearings to review and comment on its 2015 plan for elder services. These meetings would be of interest to senior citizens and their families, and community agencies and policy makers, as well. Each session will consist of a question, answer and comment period regarding the 2015 plan. The meetings will be held Oct. 7 at at the town of Durham Town Building; Oct. 8, at the town of New Baltimore Town Hall; Oct. 16, at the town of Halcott Grange Hall; Oct. 24 at the Town of Hunter Town Hall; and Oct. 27 at the Washington Irving Senior Center in Catskill. For more information on Greene Co.'s elder services go to Greene Government [dot] com.