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Gibson leading Eldridge according to polls
Sep 12, 2014 12:36 am
Matthew Hamilton reports in Capitol Confidential that a pair of polls released Sept. 11 show Rep. Chris Gibson (R-Kinderhook) well ahead of Democrat Sean Eldridge. The incumbent is up by 24 points, according to a Time Warner Cable-Siena College poll. Gibson also leads by a large margin according to the United Transportation Union, which has donated to Gibson in the past. The report indicates Gibson is doing slightly better now then in 2012, when Siena polls showed Gibson leading by 16 points in September over Democrat Julian Schriebman, which narrowed to five points before his election victory. The Time-Warner poll also showed that in the 19th district, which covers most of the WGXC listening area, plus large areas to the north and south, Gov. Andrew Cuomo leads Republican Rob Astorino 39-36. That slim margin locally compares to the north country 21st District race, where Cuomo leads 44-35, according to the poll. Locally, Zephyr Teachout beat Andrew Cuomo in Greene, Columbia, and surrounding counties in the Democratic primary Sept. 9. Read the full story in Capitol Confidential, the blog of the Albany Times-Union.