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Activists, in Chatham, urge action against climate change

Jan 28, 2019 12:21 am
Daniel Zuckerman reports in Columbia-Greene Media that local activist group Indivisible Chatham hoped to sway elected officials with a forum Jan. 27 pleading for action on climate change issues. Assemblyperson Didi Barrett, who represents Dutchess and parts of Columbia County and has sponsored the Carbon Farming Act, was there. “This was really sort of a sweet spot of both agriculture and environmental concerns,” Barrett said. “The reality is agricultural as an industry is one of the biggest greenhouse gas emitters, from methane to the effect that all of that waste has.” But Gov. Andrew Cuomo vetoed here legislation last year. “He wants to be the first in everything, but he wants to make sure everybody else agrees it’s the right thing to do before he is the first to do it,” Barrett said of the governor. “We are working with his staff and working on a way to get a pilot going in New York state, particularly in the Hudson Valley.” Read the full story at HudsonValley360.com.