WGXC-90.7 FM

Judge Nichols says GOP case "completely unconvincing"
Jan 13, 2010 5:02 pm
Sam Pratt is reporting from the Taghkanic absentee voter case at the Hudson Elks Club on Harry Howard Boulevard, next to the high school:
and later posted:
"Judge Jonathan Nichols dressed down James Walsh, attorney for Greg Fingar and the Columbia County Republicans, in court this morning. Nichols characterized the GOP's legal arguments as "completely unconvincing," and ordered 46 ballots to be opened by the Board of Elections. Court will reconvene at 2 p.m. to discuss three remaining ballots..."
and later posted:
"After the BOE review of ballots, all of the Democratic candidates in Tagkanic whose races were still in doubt are now in the lead or tied, with just four ballots (all presumed to be Democratic-leaning) to be ruled upon by Judge Nichols at 2 p.m. [Alan] Wilzig [local landowner, would-be racetrack builder] employee Erik Tyree is currently tied with Larry Kadish for one of the two Town Board seats."