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Catskill Village Board to draft pro-casino letter
Nov 15, 2013 6:25 am
Kyle Adams is reporting in The Daily Mail the Catskill Village Board of Trustees Wed., Nov. 14, agreed to draft a letter to state, town and county officials in support of bringing a casino to Greene County. The move comes following a Nov. 5 statewide vote in favor of an amendment to the state constitution that wll allow the construction of four full-scale casinos on non-Indian land in upstate New York. In Greene County, 56 percent of voted in favor of the amendment; 43 percent voted against the proposal. The village board letter does not mean a casino would be built within the village. It is merely an indication of the village's support for building a casino somewhere in the county. Possible casino locations already mentioned include, the area near Thruway Exit 21B in Coxsackie and Exit 21 in the town of Catskill, as well as the former Friar Tuck resort in Kiskatom. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.