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Accounting firm has concerns over Chatham budget

Jun 02, 2016 12:02 am
Emilia Teasdale reports in The Columbia Paper that after Chatham Town Comptroller Deborah Cesternino died last April, the town's books were looked over by a temporary comptroller before Mike Bucci of Patterson, Koskey, Bucci & Howe took the role. Bucci has examined Chatham's books and while, “the town is not in… dire financial straits,” he said he does have concerns. The White Mills Bridge project, for example, has not yet been fully paid for and, “We have some work to do on that,” he said. Bucci and the town want to put the current budget reports on the town website. “We are going to have a very transparent budget,” said Councilman Bob Balcom. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.