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Catskills' swimming holes stuffed with trash
Sep 04, 2015 12:02 am
Julia Reischel in The Watershed Post reports that area swimming holes are being filled with "diapers, condoms and beer" and other trash this summer. "The locals here along Watson Hollow Road and beyond are heartbroken," said Peggy Brueckner, who lives near the Peekamoose Blue Hole. "There is litter all over the place. There are no laws being enforced and it a total mess up there. Campers are off the designated sites, people are in the middle of the road and it is a free for all! It's not even a family friendly place any more." “The swimming holes along Kaaterskill Clove and Molly Smith parking lot are areas where people leave large amounts of garbage,” said DEC spokesperson Rick Georgeson of the Greene County locations off Route 23A. “The ranger who patrols the area will often remove garbage from these areas on a weekly basis.” In Durham, in Greene County, town officials shut down a popular swimming hole on the Catskill Creek in August after swimmers threw rocks, crammed dirty diapers into nearby mailboxes and left behind “hundreds of broken and empty beer bottles, cigarette butts and other trash” every weekend, according to a report in The Daily Mail. The DEC recommends, according to the Watershed Post report, North/South Lake Campground, Mongaup Pond Campground, Bear Spring Mt. Campground, and Little Pond Campground for uncrowded swimming spots with less trash. Read the full story in The Watershed Post.