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Save a favorite candy this Holiday Season!

Dec 22, 2010 8:34 am
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="125" caption="Can a swell of community protest save Vasilow's yummy Toffee Pistachios? Photo by Carole Osterinck."][/caption]With all the political news so many of us are driven to follow these days, it's easy to forget our other obsessive compulsions... like candy! Amidst a flurry of on-the-button blogging (and reporting) about the many developments along the City of Hudson's waterfront, Gossips of Rivertown recently ran a sweet little piece about a favorite candy being given the boot... combined with a plea for help.

It has come to Gossips' attention that Vasilow's Confectionery will no longer be offering their beloved Toffee Pistachios. The bag in the picture--more than three-quarters empty--is the last one ever. The rising cost of pistachios is blamed for the cessation in the production of this delectable treat. This situation is, for many, intolerable. Gossips asks its readers to urge Vasilow's to do whatever is required to bring back Toffee Pistachios.

Talk about community activism we can all sink our teeth into... And a local candy store, located right in Hudson (as well as online) that a community can truly care for!