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Toxins found in New Windsor water supply
May 02, 2019 2:15 pm
MidHudsonNews [dot] com is reporting the Butterhill wellfield in the town of New Windsor will be shut down after recent tests revealed PFOA and PFOS contamination. The nearby city of Newburgh water system was contaminated by the same toxic chemicals. New Windsor Town Supervisor George Green said May 2, “We have become the latest victim of the contamination of the public water supply caused by the use of firefighting foam at Stewart International Airport.” The levels reported are below both the EPA’s lifetime health advisory level and the state Drinking Water Quality council’s recently recommended level for the chemicals, Green said. Despite the state pronouncing the water acceptable for drinking, the town board decided to close the wellfield. The town's Riley Road treatment plant will now begin drawing water from the Catskill Aqueduct. Read the full story at MidHudsonNews [dot] com.