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Radio News: Senate votes to disapprove FCC net neutrality repeal

May 16, 2018 10:50 pm
The Atlantic reports that the U.S. Senate voted to disapprove of the rollback of network neutrality 52-47 on May 16. Three Republicans voted with 49 Democrats to overturn last December's Federal Communication Commission vote to repeal net neutrality rules that govern the internet. The latest vote was taken under the Congressional Review Act, that lets Congress repeal agency regulations with a majority vote. Now the U.S. House of Representatives needs a similar vote and a signature from the President, and internet access remains a regulated, level playing field. But perhaps the Republicans who voted for the measure in the Senate did so because it was a no-risk way to show support for a very popular issue that their party does not support. There is very little chance the Republican majority in the House lets this pass there, or even get to a vote. The repeal of net neutrality begins June 11, and expect a court to stop it long before Congress and the President go back to the Obama-era rules.