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Catskill slogan contest gets many entries
Aug 01, 2012 4:05 am
Peter Applebome reports in The New York Times on the recent effort to market the Catskills. After sorting through 3,714 slogan submissions in a campaign to rebrand the region, a promotional group formed last year announced five finalists Mon., July 29. The five slogans chosen by the Catskill Park Resource Foundation:
Joan Lawrence-Bauer, a longtime resident of the Catskills who coordinated the contest, said she felt the finalists were a combination of “traditional, fresh and bold.” She added: “We have quite a range of options for people to choose from.” But Allen Adamson, a managing director of Landor Associates, an international branding and consulting firm, said all but the last finalist were so generic they could be applied almost anywhere. Adamson also said, despite all the effort, in a media-saturated time it will take more than a new slogan to change the Catskill image. Read the full story in The New York Times.
• The Catskills: Peaks of Perfection
• The Catskills: Always in Season
• The Catskills: Time for an Altitude Adjustment
• Find Yourself in the Catskills
• The Catskills: So Near, Yet So Far Out
Joan Lawrence-Bauer, a longtime resident of the Catskills who coordinated the contest, said she felt the finalists were a combination of “traditional, fresh and bold.” She added: “We have quite a range of options for people to choose from.” But Allen Adamson, a managing director of Landor Associates, an international branding and consulting firm, said all but the last finalist were so generic they could be applied almost anywhere. Adamson also said, despite all the effort, in a media-saturated time it will take more than a new slogan to change the Catskill image. Read the full story in The New York Times.