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Stefanik asks for input on farm bill
Apr 14, 2023 12:43 pm
Rep. Elise Stefanik has a form on her website for constituents to give their opinions on the 2023 Farm Bill. Stefanik said, “Agriculture is the backbone of Upstate New York and the North Country. As Congress is working to draft this year’s Farm Bill, farmers across New York’s 21st District can use this input form to directly share their priorities with me, so I can bring them to the highest levels. Every five years, Congress passes a farm bill that affects a host of agricultural issues. Stefanik, who represents Rensselear County and the rest of the 21st Congressional District is not on the House Agricultural Committee, which drafts the farm bill. Marc Molinaro, the Republican representing the 19th Congressional District, is on the Agricultural Committee.