WGXC-90.7 FM

Election results
Nov 06, 2013 12:15 am
All results are reported from the Board of Elections of the respective counties, and are unofficial.
State Supreme Court Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Richard J. McNally - DEM Richard J. McNally - IND Carol Donnelly Stevens - REP Carol Donnelly Stevens - CON W. Dennis Duggan - WOR Write-in
Ancram 1 75 11 75 16 8 0
Ancram 2 64 5 64 9 4 0
Austerlitz 1 138 14 95 21 5 0
Austerlitz 2 138 13 84 17 8 0
Canaan 1 95 16 31 13 9 0
Canaan 2 84 15 72 16 9 0
Chatham 1 188 27 125 32 8 1
Chatham 2 112 16 91 25 9 0
Chatham 3 200 31 161 53 12 0
Claverack 1 83 19 169 24 8 0
Claverack 2 128 21 160 43 10 0
Claverack 3 135 21 141 24 4 0
Claverack 4 145 38 140 41 14 0
Claverack 5 60 16 108 12 3 0
Clermont 1 134 21 183 61 13 0
Copake 1 180 41 159 44 8 0
Copake 2 163 44 198 46 12 0
Gallatin 1 111 19 140 43 14 0
Germantown 1 111 18 140 20 3 0
Germantown 2 109 18 121 17 10 0
Ghent 1 164 35 137 34 21 0
Ghent 2 150 30 143 38 7 0
Ghent 3 127 26 149 41 10 0
Ghent 4 108 15 85 24 5 0
Greenport 1 100 26 136 49 6 0
Greenport 2 72 23 92 32 9 0
Greenport 3 103 31 172 40 4 1
Hillsdale 1 116 12 88 20 12 0
Hillsdale 2 104 17 69 16 7 0
Kinderhook 1 134 16 117 23 10 0
Kinderhook 2 95 22 102 27 9 1
Kinderhook 3 118 21 125 40 14 1
Kinderhook 4 106 34 105 46 11 0
Kinderhook 5 107 26 125 36 12 2
Kinderhook 6 92 26 80 31 10 0
Kinderhook 7 102 28 120 49 9 0
Kinderhook 8 103 26 138 42 7 0
Livingston 1 112 32 231 40 18 0
Livingston 2 67 12 118 20 6 0
New Lebanon 1 148 34 73 23 10 0
New Lebanon 2 143 25 129 33 10 0
Stockport 1 93 20 133 30 16 0
Stockport 2 101 18 128 25 11 0
Stuyvesant 1 105 17 103 38 3 0
Stuyvesant 2 131 27 179 50 9 0
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 111 9 17 1 12 0
Hudson 2 145 9 31 6 4 0
Hudson 3 145 22 52 11 15 0
Hudson 4 77 10 18 7 6 0
Hudson 5-1 129 20 82 12 7 0
Hudson 5-2 96 16 101 23 13 0
Total 5,957 1,109 5,835 1,484 474 6
County Court Judge (Vote for 1)
ED Jonathan Nichols - REP Jonathan Nichols - CON Jonathan Nichols - IND Write-in
Ancram 1 107 15 29 0
Ancram 2 87 11 19 0
Austerlitz 1 115 21 46 1
Austerlitz 2 117 18 48 0
Canaan 1 52 17 43 1
Canaan 2 88 20 45 0
Chatham 1 167 32 61 1
Chatham 2 108 27 45 0
Chatham 3 198 48 90 1
Claverack 1 231 28 28 2
Claverack 2 226 46 51 0
Claverack 3 204 32 68 0
Claverack 4 206 55 69 3
Claverack 5 139 13 34 2
Clermont 1 227 56 67 0
Copake 1 193 52 73 1
Copake 2 251 48 86 1
Gallatin 1 184 43 56 0
Germantown 1 165 23 47 1
Germantown 2 153 18 51 1
Ghent 1 178 35 79 0
Ghent 2 216 44 45 0
Ghent 3 181 45 64 0
Ghent 4 121 24 34 1
Greenport 1 205 57 39 0
Greenport 2 121 40 42 2
Greenport 3 249 49 49 1
Hillsdale 1 117 24 42 2
Hillsdale 2 112 19 55 0
Kinderhook 1 159 27 59 2
Kinderhook 2 126 17 66 0
Kinderhook 3 178 44 68 3
Kinderhook 4 157 47 74 2
Kinderhook 5 163 38 55 0
Kinderhook 6 112 38 57 3
Kinderhook 7 158 48 47 0
Kinderhook 8 180 41 57 1
Livingston 1 283 43 69 0
Livingston 2 131 17 36 2
New Lebanon 1 129 21 79 0
New Lebanon 2 173 33 73 2
Stockport 1 185 36 49 0
Stockport 2 173 44 49 0
Stuyvesant 1 138 37 43 0
Stuyvesant 2 214 47 64 1
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 38 9 22 3
Hudson 2 76 11 23 0
Hudson 3 79 17 66 1
Hudson 4 43 10 31 0
Hudson 5-1 132 23 48 0
Hudson 5-2 153 29 36 2
Total 7,898 1,637 2,676 43
Sheriff (Vote for 1)
ED Mike Winnie - DEM Mike Winnie - WOR David Bartlett - REP David Bartlett - CON David Bartlett - IND Write-in
Ancram 1 50 8 105 20 18 0
Ancram 2 52 2 84 9 9 0
Austerlitz 1 120 10 112 19 27 0
Austerlitz 2 124 9 112 16 22 0
Canaan 1 83 11 46 18 14 0
Canaan 2 74 11 91 16 13 0
Chatham 1 166 18 148 35 27 0
Chatham 2 99 15 102 25 21 0
Chatham 3 168 25 198 45 35 1
Claverack 1 55 6 219 30 18 0
Claverack 2 102 9 206 41 26 1
Claverack 3 89 11 191 28 34 0
Claverack 4 114 20 188 47 38 0
Claverack 5 43 9 137 9 21 0
Clermont 1 107 17 227 50 31 0
Copake 1 145 9 203 47 50 0
Copake 2 120 21 257 40 52 0
Gallatin 1 89 16 177 39 24 0
Germantown 1 88 3 170 22 27 1
Germantown 2 90 11 149 15 31 1
Ghent 1 138 23 183 28 45 0
Ghent 2 117 9 195 42 37 0
Ghent 3 113 9 172 47 32 0
Ghent 4 87 4 110 21 22 1
Greenport 1 66 9 209 47 33 0
Greenport 2 54 6 133 40 32 0
Greenport 3 58 12 244 50 30 2
Hillsdale 1 90 13 125 21 16 0
Hillsdale 2 71 15 101 16 26 0
Kinderhook 1 96 14 152 20 27 0
Kinderhook 2 63 11 121 19 44 0
Kinderhook 3 84 12 170 39 32 0
Kinderhook 4 74 9 148 44 52 0
Kinderhook 5 85 11 150 37 41 0
Kinderhook 6 66 8 121 34 36 0
Kinderhook 7 90 13 132 50 24 0
Kinderhook 8 72 8 167 48 31 0
Livingston 1 90 16 281 35 37 2
Livingston 2 63 9 125 18 20 0
New Lebanon 1 117 10 112 23 37 0
New Lebanon 2 113 10 158 32 31 0
Stockport 1 65 10 187 28 38 0
Stockport 2 69 11 179 33 25 0
Stuyvesant 1 86 7 125 36 18 0
Stuyvesant 2 104 14 207 49 34 0
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 95 9 27 3 12 0
Hudson 2 131 6 48 6 6 0
Hudson 3 139 13 71 16 16 0
Hudson 4 71 5 32 8 14 0
Hudson 5-1 81 7 126 22 25 0
Hudson 5-2 69 11 139 28 21 0
Total 4,695 565 7,572 1,511 1,432 9
Coroner (Vote for 1)
ED Angelo Nero - REP Angelo Nero - CON Angelo Nero - IND Write-in
Ancram 1 100 16 36 0
Ancram 2 82 11 18 0
Austerlitz 1 114 21 50 0
Austerlitz 2 113 17 49 0
Canaan 1 53 17 39 1
Canaan 2 85 19 43 1
Chatham 1 169 29 59 0
Chatham 2 108 30 51 0
Chatham 3 199 51 87 1
Claverack 1 230 23 34 1
Claverack 2 217 47 51 0
Claverack 3 194 28 61 0
Claverack 4 196 52 62 1
Claverack 5 137 13 33 0
Clermont 1 225 56 61 0
Copake 1 187 51 82 1
Copake 2 247 49 84 1
Gallatin 1 178 45 54 0
Germantown 1 174 19 41 1
Germantown 2 150 16 55 1
Ghent 1 186 32 80 0
Ghent 2 210 41 50 0
Ghent 3 193 43 56 0
Ghent 4 121 19 35 2
Greenport 1 208 58 42 0
Greenport 2 136 36 43 0
Greenport 3 245 56 42 1
Hillsdale 1 122 21 47 0
Hillsdale 2 104 14 58 0
Kinderhook 1 166 27 59 0
Kinderhook 2 122 20 66 0
Kinderhook 3 176 40 74 1
Kinderhook 4 156 43 84 3
Kinderhook 5 167 30 63 3
Kinderhook 6 119 38 56 2
Kinderhook 7 162 54 48 1
Kinderhook 8 179 43 58 1
Livingston 1 270 49 69 0
Livingston 2 132 23 34 0
New Lebanon 1 130 20 76 0
New Lebanon 2 173 37 74 0
Stockport 1 187 37 48 0
Stockport 2 179 39 52 0
Stuyvesant 1 135 35 48 0
Stuyvesant 2 220 51 68 1
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 35 6 27 3
Hudson 2 71 11 20 0
Hudson 3 84 16 63 0
Hudson 4 40 10 34 0
Hudson 5-1 128 26 48 0
Hudson 5-2 144 32 37 3
Total 7,858 1,617 2,709 30
Mayor (Vote for 1)
ED Victor Mendolia - DEM Victor Mendolia - WOR William H. Hallenbeck, Jr. - REP William H. Hallenbeck, Jr. - CON William H. Hallenbeck, Jr. - IND Write-in
Hudson 1 89 5 35 4 11 4
Hudson 2 108 5 78 6 9 3
Hudson 3 125 13 88 13 21 1
Hudson 4 57 4 47 10 18 2
Hudson 5-1 82 6 142 20 29 0
Hudson 5-2 69 11 150 30 17 0
Total 530 44 540 83 105 10
Common Council President (Vote for 1)
ED Donald A. Moore - DEM Donald A. Moore - WOR Vincent J. Concra - REP Vincent J. Concra - CON Vincent J. Concra - IND Write-in
Hudson 1 106 9 20 7 7 1
Hudson 2 133 10 37 5 6 1
Hudson 3 171 12 36 11 17 2
Hudson 4 80 12 17 9 8 1
Hudson 5-1 122 22 87 12 18 0
Hudson 5-2 98 11 114 24 19 1
Total 710 76 311 68 75 6
City Treasurer (Vote for 1)
ED Heather S. Campbell - DEM Heather S. Campbell - WOR Rachel Kappel - REP Rachel Kappel - CON Rachel Kappel - IND Write-in
Hudson 1 115 14 15 5 3 0
Hudson 2 118 4 58 8 11 0
Hudson 3 153 14 55 14 21 0
Hudson 4 64 8 37 7 12 0
Hudson 5-1 99 11 105 21 24 0
Hudson 5-2 69 9 140 29 26 0
Total 618 60 410 84 97 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Art Bassin - DEM Art Bassin - REP Write-in
Ancram 1 97 85 2
Ancram 2 79 59 0
Total 176 144 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Robert Lagonia - DEM Jeffrey Braley - REP Jeffrey Braley - CON Jeffrey Braley - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 180 79 14 21 2
Austerlitz 2 191 74 11 17 0
Total 371 153 25 38 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Robin Andrews - DEM Robin Andrews - CPC Clifford (Kippy) Weigelt - REP Clifford (Kippy) Weigelt - CON Clifford (Kippy) Weigelt - IND Ed Fertik - FPC Write-in
Claverack 1 105 11 177 16 8 9 0
Claverack 2 160 14 152 31 12 22 0
Claverack 3 155 19 151 18 19 7 0
Claverack 4 193 24 120 31 12 36 0
Claverack 5 87 17 93 9 10 5 0
Total 700 85 693 105 61 79 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Richard Keaveney - DEM Richard Keaveney - REP Richard Keaveney - CON Richard Keaveney - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 98 29 12 17 1
Canaan 2 84 71 14 18 3
Total 182 100 26 35 4
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Raymond J. Staats - DEM Raymond J. Staats - REP Raymond J. Staats - CON Raymond J. Staats - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 150 184 47 34 3
Total 150 184 47 34 3
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED John C. Reilly - REP John C. Reilly - IND Thomas M. Garrick - CON Write-in
Gallatin 1 138 51 135 0
Total 138 51 135 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Joel Craig - DEM Joel Craig - REP Joel Craig - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 106 136 26 3
Germantown 2 108 126 32 5
Total 214 262 58 8
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Michael Benvenuto - DEM Michael Benvenuto - REP Richard Sardo - CON Richard Sardo - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 186 146 43 30 0
Ghent 2 147 171 59 19 0
Ghent 3 136 140 75 23 0
Ghent 4 108 92 31 11 0
Total 577 549 208 83 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED John J. Porreca, Sr. - REP John J. Porreca, Sr. - CON John J. Porreca, Sr. - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 192 51 50 3
Greenport 2 119 37 42 0
Greenport 3 242 49 45 5
Total 553 137 137 8
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Patrick M. Grattan - REP Patrick M. Grattan - CON Patrick M. Grattan - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 155 23 55 1
Kinderhook 2 122 18 67 1
Kinderhook 3 167 38 71 5
Kinderhook 4 146 45 77 2
Kinderhook 5 162 35 56 4
Kinderhook 6 120 36 54 1
Kinderhook 7 154 53 48 3
Kinderhook 8 180 42 57 1
Total 1,206 290 485 18
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED James J. Guzzi - DEM James J. Guzzi - REP Write-in
Livingston 1 134 274 2
Livingston 2 74 131 8
Total 208 405 10
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Matthew J. Larabee - DEM Michael Benson - REP Michael Benson - CON Michael Benson - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 152 113 13 40 1
New Lebanon 2 146 151 30 39 1
Total 298 264 43 79 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Lee Jamison - DEM Lee Jamison - WOR Ronald L. Knott - REP Ronald L. Knott - CON Ronald L. Knott - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 103 13 110 37 13 0
Stuyvesant 2 121 19 195 49 29 0
Total 224 32 305 86 42 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Larry Kadish - DEM Larry Kadish - WOR Erik Tyree - REP Erik Tyree - CON Erik Tyree - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
Town Clerk (Vote for 1)
ED Mary Helen Shannon - DEM Mary Helen Shannon - REP Mary Helen Shannon - CON Mary Helen Shannon - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 137 200 47 32 0
Total 137 200 47 32 0
Town Clerk (Vote for 1)
ED Joyce Vale - REP Joyce Vale - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 191 52 1
Germantown 2 161 65 1
Total 352 117 2
Town Clerk (Vote for 1)
ED Colleen Teal - REP Colleen Teal - CON Colleen Teal - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 142 25 87 0
New Lebanon 2 185 37 86 0
Total 327 62 173 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Charlotte L. Cowan - DEM Charlotte L. Cowan - REP Charlotte L. Cowan - CON Charlotte L. Cowan - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 100 36 17 17 0
Canaan 2 88 70 14 19 0
Total 188 106 31 36 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Beth Anne Rippel - DEM Beth Anne Rippel - REP Beth Anne Rippel - CON Beth Anne Rippel - IND Write-in
Chatham 1 179 134 30 33 0
Chatham 2 110 94 25 18 1
Chatham 3 202 167 48 33 1
Total 491 395 103 84 2
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Lisa M. Deleeuw - DEM Lisa M. Deleeuw - REP Write-in
Gallatin 1 116 185 0
Total 116 185 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Michelle Radley - DEM Michelle Radley - REP Michelle Radley - CON Michelle Radley - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 156 156 28 40 0
Ghent 2 128 170 32 26 1
Ghent 3 128 149 38 32 0
Ghent 4 101 90 23 17 0
Total 513 565 121 115 1
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Sharon Zempko - REP Sharon Zempko - CON Sharon Zempko - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 201 54 53 0
Greenport 2 132 38 48 0
Greenport 3 244 50 52 1
Total 577 142 153 1
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Tammy Molinski - DEM Tammy Molinski - REP Tammy Molinski - CON Write-in
Livingston 1 123 255 47 6
Livingston 2 71 121 20 4
Total 194 376 67 10
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Nancy P. Thomas - DEM Melissa A. Naegeli - REP Melissa A. Naegeli - CON Melissa A. Naegeli - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 93 124 36 21 0
Stuyvesant 2 120 211 50 36 0
Total 213 335 86 57 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Cheryl E. Rogers - REP Cheryl E. Rogers - CON Cheryl E. Rogers - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Susan A. Haag - DEM Susan A. Haag - REP Susan A. Haag - CON Susan A. Haag - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 140 100 20 23 0
Austerlitz 2 152 95 14 19 0
Total 292 195 34 42 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Mary J. Hoose - REP Mary J. Hoose - CON Mary J. Hoose - IND Write-in
Claverack 1 236 27 26 1
Claverack 2 224 46 51 0
Claverack 3 203 30 62 0
Claverack 4 206 51 68 2
Claverack 5 138 14 35 0
Total 1,007 168 242 3
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Sandra M. Novak - DEM Sandra M. Novak - REP Sandra M. Novak - CON Write-in
Stockport 1 90 149 42 4
Stockport 2 94 145 32 5
Total 184 294 74 9
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Medeleine Israel - DEM Christopher R. Thomas - DEM Christopher R. Thomas - REP Arnold T. Anderson, Sr. - REP Write-in
Ancram 1 121 96 89 75 2
Ancram 2 100 80 60 49 0
Total 221 176 149 124 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Greg Vogler - DEM Carol Pinto - REP Carol Pinto - CON Carol Pinto - IND Matthew A. Verenazi - REP Matthew A. Verenazi - CON Matthew A. Verenazi - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 140 110 21 30 122 19 39 2
Austerlitz 2 161 105 11 21 138 12 43 0
Total 301 215 32 51 260 31 82 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED David L. Patzwahl - DEM David L. Patzwahl - REP David L. Patzwahl - CON David L. Patzwahl - IND Carrie Bither - DEM Carrie Bither - REP Carrie Bither - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 94 32 13 15 95 36 20 0
Canaan 2 80 65 14 17 83 70 17 5
Total 174 97 27 32 178 106 37 5
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Landra B. Haber - DEM Landra B. Haber - WOR Kandace M. Eaton - DEM Kandace M. Eaton - WOR Maria Lull - REP Maria Lull - CON Maria Lull - IND Henry V. Swartz, Jr. - REP Henry V. Swartz, Jr. - CON Henry V. Swartz, Jr. - IND Write-in
Chatham 1 179 19 181 25 131 38 22 134 34 20 0
Chatham 2 117 19 113 19 87 23 16 91 22 18 0
Chatham 3 194 34 191 28 168 46 28 175 47 31 0
Total 490 72 485 72 386 107 66 400 103 69 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Robert Preusser - DEM Robert Preusser - CPC Diane Boice-Yorck - DEM Diane Boice-Yorck - CPC Brian Keeler - REP Brian Keeler - CON Brian Keeler - IND Stephen J. Hook - REP Stephen J. Hook - CON Stephen J. Hook - IND Write-in
Claverack 1 83 12 80 12 211 21 14 168 25 10 0
Claverack 2 130 16 122 16 190 45 30 165 37 17 0
Claverack 3 132 21 128 25 157 26 24 142 25 18 0
Claverack 4 168 28 168 26 145 42 23 130 38 16 0
Claverack 5 69 25 73 20 102 10 17 95 8 12 0
Total 582 102 571 99 805 144 108 700 133 73 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Dawn M. Brownson - DEM Ray Keeler - DEM Robert G. Desmond - REP Robert G. Desmond - CON Robert G. Desmond - IND Kris Gildersleeve - REP Kris Gildersleeve - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 173 109 235 49 38 207 27 2
Total 173 109 235 49 38 207 27 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Jeanne E. Mettler - DEM Jeanne E. Mettler - REP Jeanne E. Mettler - CON Jeanne E. Mettler - WOR Jeanne E. Mettler - IND Matt Cain - DEM David Paciencia - REP David Paciencia - CON David Paciencia - IND Write-in
Copake 1 188 144 44 5 38 207 177 42 41 0
Copake 2 167 174 41 11 43 191 225 42 49 3
Total 355 318 85 16 81 398 402 84 90 3
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Steven Sorman - DEM Joseph S. Grabarz - DEM John Fraser Paterson - REP Eric Mortenson - REP Eric Mortenson - CON Eric Mortenson - IND Write-in
Gallatin 1 118 115 223 153 27 27 0
Total 118 115 223 153 27 27 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Annie Provan - DEM Billy Kimmel - DEM Matthew Phelan - REP Matthew Phelan - IND Andrea L. Dunn - REP Andrea L. Dunn - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 105 107 166 25 152 24 2
Germantown 2 118 124 142 33 131 26 0
Total 223 231 308 58 283 50 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Mallory Mort - DEM Mallory Mort - GFP Charles Wood - DEM Charles Wood - REP Charles Wood - IND Lawrence E. Van Brunt - REP Lawrence E. Van Brunt - CON Lawrence E. Van Brunt - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 191 11 163 169 43 148 29 40 0
Ghent 2 154 19 141 181 30 168 40 20 0
Ghent 3 178 20 128 165 28 129 31 22 0
Ghent 4 138 20 96 85 18 78 15 14 1
Total 661 70 528 600 119 523 115 96 1
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED George P. Super - DEM Michelle M. Ublacker - REP Michelle M. Ublacker - CON Michelle M. Ublacker - IND Clayton Clark - REP Clayton Clark - CON Clayton Clark - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 108 180 51 39 182 44 29 0
Greenport 2 85 105 36 30 122 35 30 2
Greenport 3 134 202 42 39 199 46 32 2
Total 327 487 129 108 503 125 91 4
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Gillian Sims-Elster - DEM Peter Cipkowski - DEM Frank Velez - REP Carmen Barbato - REP Write-in
Hillsdale 1 130 120 112 162 0
Hillsdale 2 104 93 120 140 0
Total 234 213 232 302 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Barbara-anne Johnson-Heimroth - DEM Barbara-anne Johnson-Heimroth - CPK Patsy Leader - REP Patsy Leader - CON Patsy Leader - IND Paul Voltz - REP Paul Voltz - CON Paul Voltz - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 146 13 135 20 40 122 23 24 0
Kinderhook 2 118 10 108 16 53 96 20 33 7
Kinderhook 3 125 10 160 35 55 137 37 35 4
Kinderhook 4 111 22 132 42 60 120 44 50 2
Kinderhook 5 119 13 149 33 48 129 28 44 1
Kinderhook 6 99 11 106 38 43 100 34 25 2
Kinderhook 7 118 15 148 47 46 122 42 23 0
Kinderhook 8 119 17 165 47 46 137 41 22 0
Total 955 111 1,103 278 391 963 269 256 16
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Phil Williams - DEM Carly O'Brien - DEM Philip J. Massaro - REP Kelly McDonald - REP Kelly McDonald - IND Write-in
Livingston 1 155 130 316 288 17 0
Livingston 2 87 67 137 121 15 0
Total 242 197 453 409 32 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Irene Hanna - DEM Trina Porte - DEM Dan Evans - REP Dan Evans - CON Dan Evans - IND Chuck Geraldi - REP Joshua Schuster - CON Joshua Schuster - IND Kevin Smith - VPP Write-in
New Lebanon 1 155 73 108 20 49 130 15 9 59 0
New Lebanon 2 130 64 156 33 40 173 32 14 51 0
Total 285 137 264 53 89 303 47 23 110 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Daniel M. Marcus - DEM Kathleen A. Hamm - DEM Kathleen A. Hamm - REP Wayne E. Kinney - CON Wayne E. Kinney - IND John L. Drabick - REP Write-in
Stockport 1 87 70 136 73 34 181 1
Stockport 2 106 81 130 69 33 158 0
Total 193 151 266 142 67 339 1
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Edward Kiernan - DEM Edward Kiernan - WOR Edward W. Scott - REP Edward W. Scott - CON Edward W. Scott - IND Brian K. Chittenden - REP Brian K. Chittenden - CON Brian K. Chittenden - IND Melanie Donahoe - DEM Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 87 8 123 36 19 111 37 18 98 0
Stuyvesant 2 113 13 187 52 34 192 47 33 136 0
Total 200 21 310 88 53 303 84 51 234 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Joyce Thompson - DEM Joyce Thompson - WOR Linda Swartz - DEM Carolyn Sammons - REP Carolyn Sammons - CON Carolyn Sammons - IND Ryan Skoda - REP Ryan Skoda - CON Ryan Skoda - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Sharon Grubin - DEM Karen M. Kellogg - REP Write-in
Austerlitz 1 186 101 0
Austerlitz 2 201 77 0
Total 387 178 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Charles Edwin Hoag, Jr. - REP Charles Edwin Hoag, Jr. - CON Write-in
Claverack 1 239 39 0
Claverack 2 236 64 0
Claverack 3 211 54 0
Claverack 4 229 71 1
Claverack 5 150 21 0
Total 1,065 249 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Ronald W. F. Banks - REP Ronald W. F. Banks - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 283 67 0
Total 283 67 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Brian J. Herman - DEM Brian J. Herman - WOR Glenn R. Schermerhorn - REP Glenn R. Schermerhorn - CON Glenn R. Schermerhorn - IND Write-in
Copake 1 216 22 158 41 38 0
Copake 2 165 23 219 37 58 0
Total 381 45 377 78 96 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Fred C. Schultz - DEM Fred C. Schultz - REP Fred C. Schultz - IND Write-in
Gallatin 1 105 178 30 1
Total 105 178 30 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Wendy Nack-Lawlor - REP Wendy Nack-Lawlor - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 201 52 1
Germantown 2 169 72 1
Total 370 124 2
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED David W. Harrison, Sr. - REP David W. Harrison, Sr. - CON David W. Harrison, Sr. - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 199 31 79 0
Ghent 2 211 39 57 0
Ghent 3 194 38 63 0
Ghent 4 126 21 33 1
Total 730 129 232 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Robert T. Brenzel - REP Robert T. Brenzel - CON Robert T. Brenzel - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 208 52 45 0
Greenport 2 140 38 40 0
Greenport 3 241 48 43 1
Total 589 138 128 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Tom Puchner - DEM Tom Puchner - WOR Lisa M. Mills - REP Lisa M. Mills - CON Lisa M. Mills - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 134 17 117 17 23 0
Kinderhook 2 103 17 95 16 27 0
Kinderhook 3 122 17 134 34 27 0
Kinderhook 4 99 29 117 38 37 0
Kinderhook 5 105 20 130 34 28 0
Kinderhook 6 83 14 89 35 34 0
Kinderhook 7 118 14 110 39 28 0
Kinderhook 8 100 11 152 38 26 0
Total 864 139 944 251 230 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Robert Q. Moore - DEM Robert Q. Moore - REP Robert Q. Moore - IND Write-in
Livingston 1 127 284 29 0
Livingston 2 73 128 15 4
Total 200 412 44 4
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Jessica Byrne - DEM Jessica Byrne - REP Jessica Byrne - CON Jessica Byrne - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 151 76 15 42 2
New Lebanon 2 117 119 27 39 3
Total 268 195 42 81 5
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED John J. Mabb - DEM John J. Mabb - REP John J. Mabb - CON Write-in
Stockport 1 88 150 39 1
Stockport 2 98 144 40 0
Total 186 294 79 1
Town Justice (Vote for 2)
ED Nancy J.Trichter - DEM Ned Depew III - DEM Joseph A. Bruno - REP Joseph A. Bruno - CON Joseph A. Bruno - IND Carrie A. O'Hare - REP Carrie A. O'Hare - CON Carrie A. O'Hare - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 95 81 122 42 20 122 39 23 0
Stuyvesant 2 125 114 193 51 38 200 56 34 0
Total 220 195 315 93 58 322 95 57 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Jeff Tallackson - DEM Jeff Tallackson - WOR William Leete - REP William Leete - CON William Leete - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Robert Meeham, Jr. - DEM Robert Meeham, Jr. - REP Robert Meeham, Jr. - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 120 100 25 10
Austerlitz 2 138 86 22 0
Total 258 186 47 10
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Bernhard F. Meyer - DEM Bernhard F. Meyer - REP Bernhard F. Meyer - CON Bernhard F. Meyer - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 92 34 14 20 0
Canaan 2 94 67 15 17 3
Total 186 101 29 37 3
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Joseph M. Rickert - DEM Joseph M. Rickert - REP Joseph M. Rickert - CON Joseph M. Rickert - IND Write-in
Chatham 1 171 128 27 32 0
Chatham 2 104 88 24 21 0
Chatham 3 201 167 47 38 0
Total 476 383 98 91 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Louis C. LaMont, Jr. - REP Louis C. LaMont, Jr. - CON Write-in
Claverack 1 238 41 1
Claverack 2 245 69 0
Claverack 3 228 60 0
Claverack 4 241 82 1
Claverack 5 154 21 0
Total 1,106 273 2
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED James C. Potts, Jr. - DEM James C. Potts, Jr. - REP James C. Potts, Jr. - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 147 229 39 0
Total 147 229 39 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Richard W. Jennings - REP Richard W. Jennings - CON Richard W. Jennings - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 185 9 54 3
Germantown 2 160 9 69 3
Total 345 18 123 6
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Benjamin J. Perry - DEM Benjamin J. Perry - REP Benjamin J. Perry - CON Benjamin J. Perry - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 158 159 30 43 0
Ghent 2 133 168 32 28 3
Ghent 3 130 162 34 32 0
Ghent 4 97 96 21 20 0
Total 518 585 117 123 3
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Mark A. Gaylord - DEM Mark A. Gaylord - CON Mark A. Gaylord - IND John R. Hawks - REP Write-in
Greenport 1 119 52 21 159 0
Greenport 2 99 48 23 95 0
Greenport 3 118 52 26 189 0
Total 336 152 70 443 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED John Ruchel - DEM John Ruchel - REP John Ruchel - CON John Ruchel - WOR John Ruchel - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 128 105 19 11 19 0
Kinderhook 2 87 95 16 7 35 0
Kinderhook 3 110 128 36 9 27 0
Kinderhook 4 102 116 40 10 35 0
Kinderhook 5 99 123 26 6 32 2
Kinderhook 6 86 82 31 4 32 0
Kinderhook 7 104 114 42 6 23 1
Kinderhook 8 89 140 34 4 30 1
Total 805 903 244 57 233 4
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED David Lyons - REP Write-in
Livingston 1 388 2
Livingston 2 178 3
Total 566 5
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Jeffrey A. Winestock - DEM Jeffrey A. Winestock - CON Jeffrey A. Winestock - IND Karl B. Chittenden - REP Write-in
New Lebanon 1 190 31 40 57 0
New Lebanon 2 187 52 30 98 0
Total 377 83 70 155 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Timothy Masten - DEM Timothy Masten - REP Timothy Masten - CON Write-in
Stockport 1 95 144 45 2
Stockport 2 89 138 39 1
Total 184 282 84 3
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Bernard J. Kowalski - REP Bernard J. Kowalski - CON Bernard J. Kowalski - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 135 43 43 4
Stuyvesant 2 225 51 69 4
Total 360 94 112 8
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED George Hotaling - DEM Bob "Rocky" Rochler - REP Bob "Rocky" Rochler - CON Bob "Rocky" Rochler - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0
Assessor (Vote for 1)
ED Charles Brewer - REP Charles Brewer - CON Write-in
Claverack 1 236 38 3
Claverack 2 232 67 0
Claverack 3 210 52 1
Claverack 4 217 78 1
Claverack 5 143 17 1
Total 1,038 252 6
Assessor (Vote for 1)
ED John G. Unson - REP Write-in
Stockport 1 255 0
Stockport 2 233 1
Total 488 1
Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Joan Buser - DEM Joan Buser - REP Joan Buser - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 136 230 40 0
Total 136 230 40 0
Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Janice Mullins - REP Janice Mullins - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 187 58 1
Germantown 2 165 73 1
Total 352 131 2
Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Tammie Darcy - DEM Tammie Darcy - REP Tammie Darcy - CON Tammie Darcy - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 164 75 24 42 0
New Lebanon 2 143 120 32 37 1
Total 307 195 56 79 1
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Sarah H. Sterling - DEM Write-in
Hudson 1 127 3
Total 127 3
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Edward C. Cross III - DEM Write-in
Hudson 2 171 2
Total 171 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Ellen V. Thurston - DEM Write-in
Hudson 3 193 0
Total 193 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED William Hughes, Jr. - DEM William Hughes, Jr. - CON Write-in
Hudson 4 87 20 0
Total 87 20 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Richard E. Scalera - REP Richard E. Scalera - CON Richard E. Scalera - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-1 126 28 37 4
Total 126 28 37 4
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Richard E. Scalera - REP Richard E. Scalera - CON Richard E. Scalera - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-2 138 35 31 5
Total 138 35 31 5
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Nick Haddad - DEM David Marston - DEM Write-in
Hudson 1 128 130 6
Total 128 130 6
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Abdus S. Miah - DEM Abdus S. Miah - CON Tiffany Garriga - DEM Kenneth Ivey - REP Kenneth Ivey - CON Write-in
Hudson 2 144 14 111 62 17 5
Total 144 14 111 62 17 5
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED John Friedman - DEM John Friedman - WOR Henry Haddad - DEM Henry Haddad - WOR Glenn Martin - REP Glenn Martin - CON Write-in
Hudson 3 159 22 166 16 71 21 7
Total 159 22 166 16 71 21 7
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Ohrine E. Stewart - DEM Alexis B. Keith - DEM Alexis B. Keith - WOR Derrick Smart - REP Write-in
Hudson 4 77 91 11 39 1
Total 77 91 11 39 1
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Eileen Halloran - DEM Eileen Halloran - WOR Megan Carr - DEM Megan Carr - WOR Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - REP Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - REP Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-1 110 14 91 11 112 26 108 20 20 1
Total 110 14 91 11 112 26 108 20 20 1
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Eileen Halloran - DEM Eileen Halloran - WOR Megan Carr - DEM Megan Carr - WOR Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - REP Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - REP Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-2 88 19 66 9 139 28 131 28 21 0
Total 88 19 66 9 139 28 131 28 21 0
Proposal Number One, an Amendment Authorizing Casino Gambling (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 116 100
Ancram 2 79 75
Austerlitz 1 109 176
Austerlitz 2 114 173
Canaan 1 57 110
Canaan 2 92 117
Chatham 1 152 246
Chatham 2 115 141
Chatham 3 180 295
Claverack 1 180 137
Claverack 2 203 158
Claverack 3 194 135
Claverack 4 237 162
Claverack 5 115 87
Clermont 1 211 203
Copake 1 270 172
Copake 2 295 198
Gallatin 1 192 161
Germantown 1 167 136
Germantown 2 157 114
Ghent 1 178 219
Ghent 2 199 179
Ghent 3 173 177
Ghent 4 127 115
Greenport 1 259 89
Greenport 2 161 89
Greenport 3 278 110
Hillsdale 1 112 150
Hillsdale 2 117 118
Kinderhook 1 141 169
Kinderhook 2 90 168
Kinderhook 3 176 160
Kinderhook 4 163 168
Kinderhook 5 138 184
Kinderhook 6 142 120
Kinderhook 7 160 153
Kinderhook 8 161 168
Livingston 1 263 200
Livingston 2 137 96
New Lebanon 1 155 162
New Lebanon 2 187 176
Stockport 1 191 116
Stockport 2 184 100
Stuyvesant 1 129 146
Stuyvesant 2 209 198
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 46 89
Hudson 2 95 41
Hudson 3 113 117
Hudson 4 74 33
Hudson 5-1 164 90
Hudson 5-2 191 87
Total 8,148 7,283
Proposal Number Two, an Amendment Additional Civil Service Credit for Veterans with Disabilities Certified Post-Appointment (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 169 38
Ancram 2 126 20
Austerlitz 1 222 51
Austerlitz 2 228 46
Canaan 1 141 24
Canaan 2 172 31
Chatham 1 296 93
Chatham 2 212 33
Chatham 3 375 89
Claverack 1 257 44
Claverack 2 282 73
Claverack 3 260 57
Claverack 4 319 64
Claverack 5 159 38
Clermont 1 301 96
Copake 1 354 68
Copake 2 409 64
Gallatin 1 276 55
Germantown 1 243 47
Germantown 2 227 41
Ghent 1 324 60
Ghent 2 318 49
Ghent 3 279 61
Ghent 4 183 48
Greenport 1 270 52
Greenport 2 189 50
Greenport 3 323 44
Hillsdale 1 210 44
Hillsdale 2 178 44
Kinderhook 1 248 53
Kinderhook 2 214 38
Kinderhook 3 266 61
Kinderhook 4 262 63
Kinderhook 5 254 56
Kinderhook 6 215 41
Kinderhook 7 261 51
Kinderhook 8 258 64
Livingston 1 349 99
Livingston 2 187 35
New Lebanon 1 241 53
New Lebanon 2 291 52
Stockport 1 263 36
Stockport 2 244 36
Stuyvesant 1 228 39
Stuyvesant 2 331 65
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 104 22
Hudson 2 118 12
Hudson 3 185 27
Hudson 4 94 10
Hudson 5-1 208 38
Hudson 5-2 235 37
Total 12,358 2,512
Proposal Number Three, an Amendment Exclusion of Indebtedness Contracted for Sewage Facilities (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 102 91
Ancram 2 80 58
Austerlitz 1 154 98
Austerlitz 2 165 86
Canaan 1 110 41
Canaan 2 128 63
Chatham 1 209 151
Chatham 2 180 59
Chatham 3 264 179
Claverack 1 156 119
Claverack 2 185 134
Claverack 3 186 118
Claverack 4 227 129
Claverack 5 102 81
Clermont 1 185 172
Copake 1 202 184
Copake 2 224 213
Gallatin 1 149 157
Germantown 1 168 105
Germantown 2 162 89
Ghent 1 237 115
Ghent 2 200 133
Ghent 3 156 150
Ghent 4 129 92
Greenport 1 156 129
Greenport 2 132 88
Greenport 3 235 98
Hillsdale 1 147 97
Hillsdale 2 122 92
Kinderhook 1 186 104
Kinderhook 2 160 80
Kinderhook 3 197 114
Kinderhook 4 193 119
Kinderhook 5 153 147
Kinderhook 6 124 117
Kinderhook 7 179 113
Kinderhook 8 176 126
Livingston 1 214 190
Livingston 2 110 104
New Lebanon 1 150 125
New Lebanon 2 179 152
Stockport 1 170 109
Stockport 2 153 91
Stuyvesant 1 156 94
Stuyvesant 2 199 165
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 86 34
Hudson 2 85 39
Hudson 3 150 55
Hudson 4 62 29
Hudson 5-1 166 56
Hudson 5-2 183 69
Total 8,283 5,553
Proposal Number Four, an Amendment Settling Disputed Title in the Forest Preserve (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 141 55
Ancram 2 94 46
Austerlitz 1 203 64
Austerlitz 2 209 51
Canaan 1 117 37
Canaan 2 142 55
Chatham 1 270 96
Chatham 2 187 54
Chatham 3 348 109
Claverack 1 198 84
Claverack 2 245 89
Claverack 3 202 95
Claverack 4 260 102
Claverack 5 115 68
Clermont 1 248 125
Copake 1 277 110
Copake 2 324 124
Gallatin 1 235 86
Germantown 1 206 74
Germantown 2 191 63
Ghent 1 264 91
Ghent 2 237 106
Ghent 3 222 99
Ghent 4 165 58
Greenport 1 179 102
Greenport 2 157 69
Greenport 3 239 88
Hillsdale 1 181 69
Hillsdale 2 155 59
Kinderhook 1 233 50
Kinderhook 2 176 70
Kinderhook 3 229 87
Kinderhook 4 221 88
Kinderhook 5 216 85
Kinderhook 6 160 87
Kinderhook 7 208 82
Kinderhook 8 234 73
Livingston 1 282 131
Livingston 2 146 70
New Lebanon 1 212 74
New Lebanon 2 236 96
Stockport 1 191 86
Stockport 2 163 77
Stuyvesant 1 181 74
Stuyvesant 2 285 84
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 97 26
Hudson 2 91 27
Hudson 3 156 47
Hudson 4 67 29
Hudson 5-1 162 67
Hudson 5-2 167 74
Total 10,124 3,912
Proposal Number Five, an Amendment In Relation to a Land Exchange in the State Forest Preserve with NYCO Minerals, Inc. (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 106 93
Ancram 2 77 65
Austerlitz 1 137 124
Austerlitz 2 133 127
Canaan 1 75 77
Canaan 2 108 88
Chatham 1 188 177
Chatham 2 142 98
Chatham 3 255 204
Claverack 1 151 126
Claverack 2 161 168
Claverack 3 151 146
Claverack 4 181 177
Claverack 5 94 94
Clermont 1 201 175
Copake 1 205 184
Copake 2 226 219
Gallatin 1 173 149
Germantown 1 129 144
Germantown 2 117 138
Ghent 1 196 158
Ghent 2 175 168
Ghent 3 164 153
Ghent 4 111 108
Greenport 1 157 122
Greenport 2 127 101
Greenport 3 204 117
Hillsdale 1 109 137
Hillsdale 2 105 112
Kinderhook 1 184 103
Kinderhook 2 132 111
Kinderhook 3 180 134
Kinderhook 4 178 131
Kinderhook 5 169 137
Kinderhook 6 124 125
Kinderhook 7 179 111
Kinderhook 8 186 119
Livingston 1 230 185
Livingston 2 116 97
New Lebanon 1 141 147
New Lebanon 2 173 157
Stockport 1 148 127
Stockport 2 132 103
Stuyvesant 1 145 112
Stuyvesant 2 208 163
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 40 82
Hudson 2 65 53
Hudson 3 90 112
Hudson 4 44 50
Hudson 5-1 113 116
Hudson 5-2 143 104
Total 7,478 6,528
Proposal Number Six, An Amendment Increasing Age until which Certain State Judges Can Serve (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 88 118
Ancram 2 65 84
Austerlitz 1 122 153
Austerlitz 2 126 141
Canaan 1 76 88
Canaan 2 82 121
Chatham 1 154 228
Chatham 2 119 133
Chatham 3 212 247
Claverack 1 96 201
Claverack 2 131 217
Claverack 3 123 193
Claverack 4 168 207
Claverack 5 67 125
Clermont 1 154 236
Copake 1 153 255
Copake 2 180 292
Gallatin 1 140 194
Germantown 1 105 184
Germantown 2 102 160
Ghent 1 158 221
Ghent 2 139 224
Ghent 3 112 225
Ghent 4 80 148
Greenport 1 103 210
Greenport 2 83 159
Greenport 3 141 207
Hillsdale 1 111 150
Hillsdale 2 88 133
Kinderhook 1 123 180
Kinderhook 2 110 143
Kinderhook 3 120 208
Kinderhook 4 110 212
Kinderhook 5 96 217
Kinderhook 6 79 179
Kinderhook 7 109 199
Kinderhook 8 101 220
Livingston 1 156 272
Livingston 2 69 155
New Lebanon 1 122 180
New Lebanon 2 124 216
Stockport 1 100 192
Stockport 2 89 172
Stuyvesant 1 90 175
Stuyvesant 2 152 235
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 70 58
Hudson 2 63 57
Hudson 3 98 114
Hudson 4 41 57
Hudson 5-1 109 126
Hudson 5-2 103 157
Total 5,712 8,978
Referendum for Roeliff Jansen Community Library (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 90 126
Ancram 2 70 82
Total 160 208
Referendum for Roeliff Jansen Community Library (Vote for 1)
Copake 1 221 210
Copake 2 221 268
Total 442 478
Referendum for Roeliff Jansen Community Library (Vote for 1)
Hillsdale 1 140 129
Hillsdale 2 125 113
Total 265 242
Results from Greene County Election web site.
STATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE 3rd Judicial District (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Richard J. McNally (DEM, IND) 3,527 35.15%
DEM 2,949 29.39%
IND 578 5.76%
Carol Donnelly Stevens (REP, CON) 6,196 61.76%
REP 4,899 48.83%
CON 1,297 12.93%
W. Dennis Duggan (WOR) 307 3.06%
Write-in 3 0.03%
Total 10,033 100.00%
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Terry J. Wilhelm (REP, CON) 8,157 99.74%
REP 6,210 75.94%
CON 1,947 23.81%
Write-in 21 0.26%
Total 8,178 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Richard E. Tompkins (REP) 149 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 149 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Leslie C. Holdridge (REP) 147 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 147 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Thomas H. Soule (REP) 140 49.47%
Scott O. Tuttle (REP) 143 50.53%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 283 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Justine L. Koehler (REP) 147 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 147 100.00%
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Larry R. Tompkins (REP) 144 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 144 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Virginia C. Arturi (REP) 142 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 142 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Andrea Smallwood (DEM, VST) 433 39.94%
DEM 392 36.16%
VST 41 3.78%
Joseph B. Iraci (REP, CON, IND) 651 60.06%
REP 498 45.94%
CON 99 9.13%
IND 54 4.98%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,084 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Constance J. Pazin (REP, CON) 818 99.88%
REP 647 79.00%
CON 171 20.88%
Write-in 1 0.12%
Total 819 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Pamela J. Allen (DEM) 340 16.82%
April Paluch (REP, CON) 635 31.40%
REP 514 25.42%
CON 121 5.98%
Phyllisann Dinkelacker (DEM, IND) 423 20.92%
DEM 369 18.25%
IND 54 2.67%
Mary H. Brandow (REP, CON) 621 30.71%
REP 508 25.12%
CON 113 5.59%
Write-in 3 0.15%
Total 2,022 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Unexpired Term) (Vote for 1)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Timothy O'Leary (DEM, VST) 434 41.57%
DEM 393 37.64%
VST 41 3.93%
Michael J. Ragaini (REP, CON) 609 58.33%
REP 496 47.51%
CON 113 10.82%
Write-in 1 0.10%
Total 1,044 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Ted Banta (DEM, IND) 819 99.27%
DEM 528 64.00%
IND 291 35.27%
Write-in 6 0.73%
Total 825 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Leland E. Miller (REP, CON, IND) 981 99.39%
REP 621 62.92%
CON 209 21.18%
IND 151 15.30%
Write-in 6 0.61%
Total 987 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Michael W. Murphy (DEM) 520 22.17%
Mary Jo Cords (REP, CON, IND) 813 34.65%
REP 515 21.95%
CON 203 8.65%
IND 95 4.05%
Douglas L. Ostrander, Jr. (REP, CON, IND) 1,012 43.14%
REP 638 27.20%
CON 230 9.80%
IND 144 6.14%
Write-in 1 0.04%
Total 2,346 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Susan B. Hilgendorff (DEM, REP, CON, IND) 1,165 99.91%
DEM 327 28.04%
REP 545 46.74%
CON 178 15.27%
IND 115 9.86%
Write-in 1 0.09%
Total 1,166 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Catskill: reported: 14 of 14 100.00%
Ballots: 2,087
Ronald E. Dombrowski, Jr. (DEM, WOR) 1,023 29.58%
DEM 844 24.41%
WOR 179 5.18%
Robert C. Antonelli (REP, CON) 1,163 33.63%
REP 923 26.69%
CON 240 6.94%
Jared A. Gordiano (REP, CON) 1,266 36.61%
REP 957 27.67%
CON 309 8.94%
Write-in 6 0.17%
Total 3,458 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Donald A. Daoust (DEM, IND) 787 47.30%
DEM 650 39.06%
IND 137 8.23%
Richard K. Hanse (REP, CON) 876 52.64%
REP 693 41.65%
CON 183 11.00%
Write-in 1 0.06%
Total 1,664 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Richard H. Roberg (REP, CON) 1,267 99.92%
REP 977 77.05%
CON 290 22.87%
Write-in 1 0.08%
Total 1,268 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Patrick B. Kennedy (DEM, IND) 848 26.46%
DEM 700 21.84%
IND 148 4.62%
Jeffery R. Lewis (REP, CON) 800 24.96%
REP 622 19.41%
CON 178 5.55%
Robert J. VanValkenburg, Jr. (DEM, IND) 780 24.34%
DEM 637 19.88%
IND 143 4.46%
Earl K. Hotaling (REP, CON) 777 24.24%
REP 619 19.31%
CON 158 4.93%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 3,205 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Bambi L. Hotaling (REP, CON) 1,269 100.00%
REP 984 77.54%
CON 285 22.46%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,269 100.00%
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Michael J. Tighe (DEM, IND) 1,175 99.32%
DEM 864 73.03%
IND 311 26.29%
Write-in 8 0.68%
Total 1,183 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Linda J. Wilkinson (REP, CON) 1,294 100.00%
REP 1,012 78.21%
CON 282 21.79%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,294 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
William A. Carr, Jr. (REP, CON) 358 99.44%
REP 273 75.83%
CON 85 23.61%
Write-in 2 0.56%
Total 360 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Karen J. Tirpak (REP, CON) 356 99.72%
REP 273 76.47%
CON 83 23.25%
Write-in 1 0.28%
Total 357 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Nicholas C. Nahas (DEM, REP) 351 50.72%
DEM 110 15.90%
REP 241 34.83%
Jodi L. Wood (REP, CON) 340 49.13%
REP 261 37.72%
CON 79 11.42%
Write-in 1 0.14%
Total 692 100.00%
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Chrissy D. Kohrs (REP, CON) 378 99.74%
REP 293 77.31%
CON 85 22.43%
Write-in 1 0.26%
Total 379 100.00%
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Joseph S. VanHolsteyn (REP) 334 99.70%
Write-in 1 0.30%
Total 335 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Paul J. Macko (REP, CON) 643 99.69%
REP 458 71.01%
CON 185 28.68%
Write-in 2 0.31%
Total 645 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Richard P. Schreiber (REP, CON) 633 99.69%
REP 452 71.18%
CON 181 28.50%
Write-in 2 0.31%
Total 635 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Richard Y. Bear (REP, CON) 619 50.16%
REP 440 35.66%
CON 179 14.51%
Kenneth M. Stern (REP, CON) 610 49.43%
REP 435 35.25%
CON 175 14.18%
Write-in 5 0.41%
Total 1,234 100.00%
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Jacqueline Park (REP, CON) 648 99.85%
REP 458 70.57%
CON 190 29.28%
Write-in 1 0.15%
Total 649 100.00%
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Richard B. Hempstead (REP, CON) 615 99.19%
REP 438 70.65%
CON 177 28.55%
Write-in 5 0.81%
Total 620 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
A. Innes Kasanof (DEM, REP) 57 98.28%
DEM 36 62.07%
REP 21 36.21%
Write-in 1 1.72%
Total 58 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Kenneth Williams (DEM, REP) 58 98.31%
DEM 36 61.02%
REP 22 37.29%
Write-in 1 1.69%
Total 59 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Alan S. White (DEM, REP) 60 50.00%
DEM 35 29.17%
REP 25 20.83%
Chris DiBenedetto (DEM, REP) 59 49.17%
DEM 34 28.33%
REP 25 20.83%
Write-in 1 0.83%
Total 120 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Patricia L. Warfield (DEM, REP) 55 88.71%
DEM 34 54.84%
REP 21 33.87%
Write-in 7 11.29%
Total 62 100.00%
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Russell C. Bouton (DEM, REP) 63 96.92%
DEM 36 55.38%
REP 27 41.54%
Write-in 2 3.08%
Total 65 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Robin M. White (DEM, REP) 64 100.00%
DEM 38 59.38%
REP 26 40.63%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 64 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
Daryl E. Legg (DEM, REP) 637 99.22%
DEM 386 60.12%
REP 251 39.10%
Write-in 5 0.78%
Total 642 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
James A. Volker (REP) 454 99.78%
Write-in 1 0.22%
Total 455 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
Anthony B. Coiro (DEM) 521 37.73%
Jason C. Haines (REP) 247 17.89%
Dolph J. Semenza (DEM, REP) 609 44.10%
DEM 363 26.29%
REP 246 17.81%
Write-in 4 0.29%
Total 1,381 100.00%
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
John G. Farrell (DEM, REP) 669 99.26%
DEM 401 59.50%
REP 268 39.76%
Write-in 5 0.74%
Total 674 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Jewett: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 297
Michael R. Flaherty (DEM, IND) 126 43.60%
DEM 96 33.22%
IND 30 10.38%
Carol A. Muth (REP) 162 56.06%
Write-in 1 0.35%
Total 289 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Jewett: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 297
David S. Kessler (DEM) 64 11.72%
William C. Trach (REP) 151 27.66%
James R. Quackenbush (IND) 76 13.92%
Steven C. Jacobs (DEM) 93 17.03%
Nathan D. Miles (REP) 161 29.49%
Write-in 1 0.18%
Total 546 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Dixie L. Baldrey (DEM) 213 61.74%
Donald A. Falke (REP) 132 38.26%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 345 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Allen B. Cross (DEM) 67 19.20%
Robert A. Basil (REP) 282 80.80%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 349 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Jose J. Cuesta (DEM) 85 12.92%
Bradley J. Jenkins (REP) 135 20.52%
Michael P. Barcone (DEM) 191 29.03%
Sharon E. D'Addario (REP) 121 18.39%
Write-in 126 19.15%
Total 658 100.00%
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Alice Marie Cross (DEM) 194 56.07%
Emily Plishner (REP) 152 43.93%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 346 100.00%
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
George D. Dart (DEM) 167 47.99%
Frank G. Hermance (REP) 181 52.01%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 348 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Susan K. O'Rorke (DEM, OUR) 536 49.13%
DEM 476 43.63%
OUR 60 5.50%
Nicholas A. Dellisanti (REP, CON, IND) 555 50.87%
REP 399 36.57%
CON 113 10.36%
IND 43 3.94%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,091 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Hilary A. Schrauf (DEM, OUR) 488 22.85%
DEM 428 20.04%
OUR 60 2.81%
Jeffry R. Ruso (REP, CON, IND) 585 27.39%
REP 394 18.45%
CON 136 6.37%
IND 55 2.57%
Janet I. Angelis (DEM) 434 20.32%
Shelly A. VanEtten (REP, CON, IND) 629 29.45%
REP 432 20.22%
CON 141 6.60%
IND 56 2.62%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 2,136 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Janet A. Brooks (DEM, OUR) 685 62.39%
DEM 599 54.55%
OUR 86 7.83%
Ann Marie Vadney (REP, CON, IND) 413 37.61%
REP 288 26.23%
CON 95 8.65%
IND 30 2.73%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,098 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Diane A. Jordan (DEM, RTP) 640 59.59%
DEM 564 52.51%
RTP 76 7.08%
Sally-Anne Russo (REP, IND) 434 40.41%
REP 382 35.57%
IND 52 4.84%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,074 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Kory P. O'Hara (DEM, IND) 176 63.31%
DEM 151 54.32%
IND 25 8.99%
Frank J. Cangelosi (REP, UNP) 101 36.33%
REP 82 29.50%
UNP 19 6.83%
Write-in 1 0.36%
Total 278 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 2)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Vincent P. Igoe (DEM, IND) 101 19.02%
DEM 90 16.95%
IND 11 2.07%
Robert J. Blain (REP, UNP) 173 32.58%
REP 149 28.06%
UNP 24 4.52%
David A. Rikard (DEM, IND) 134 25.24%
DEM 113 21.28%
IND 21 3.95%
Michelle Blain (REP, UNP) 122 22.98%
REP 101 19.02%
UNP 21 3.95%
Write-in 1 0.19%
Total 531 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
James M. Thorington (DEM) 147 27.12%
Donald R. Schoenborn, Jr. (REP, UNP) 120 22.14%
REP 103 19.00%
UNP 17 3.14%
Kristin Tompkins (DEM, IND) 173 31.92%
DEM 152 28.04%
IND 21 3.87%
Emily M. Morse (REP, UNP) 101 18.63%
REP 80 14.76%
UNP 21 3.87%
Write-in 1 0.18%
Total 542 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Laurissa M. Tilp (DEM) 75 28.20%
Kathleen D. Sherman (REP, UNP) 190 71.43%
REP 169 63.53%
UNP 21 7.89%
Write-in 1 0.38%
Total 266 100.00%
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
William C. Sutton (DEM, REP, IND) 248 99.20%
DEM 109 43.60%
REP 116 46.40%
IND 23 9.20%
Write-in 2 0.80%
Total 250 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Switlana Breigle (DEM) 118 43.22%
Carole Cangelosi (REP, UNP) 154 56.41%
REP 133 48.72%
UNP 21 7.69%
Write-in 1 0.37%
Total 273 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Stephen J. Walker (REP, CON) 266 47.58%
REP 216 38.64%
CON 50 8.94%
Stacy M. Post (IND) 292 52.24%
Write-in 1 0.18%
Total 559 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Christopher Mattiace (REP, CON) 447 99.78%
REP 358 79.91%
CON 89 19.87%
Write-in 1 0.22%
Total 448 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Wayne E. VanValin (REP, CON) 306 28.90%
REP 248 23.42%
CON 58 5.48%
Edward D. Shanley (IND) 195 18.41%
Robert J. Pelham (REP, CON) 368 34.75%
REP 295 27.86%
CON 73 6.89%
Erica L. Regan (IND) 185 17.47%
Write-in 5 0.47%
Total 1,059 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Bonnie L. Poehmel (REP) 358 71.17%
Cynthia L. Lonecke (CON) 144 28.63%
Write-in 1 0.20%
Total 503 100.00%
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Thomas F. Hoyt (REP, CON, IND) 477 96.95%
REP 331 67.28%
CON 67 13.62%
IND 79 16.06%
Write-in 15 3.05%
Total 492 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Dawn L. Hitchcock (REP, CON) 483 99.79%
REP 387 79.96%
CON 96 19.83%
Write-in 1 0.21%
Total 484 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER ONE, AN AMENDMENT Authorizing Casino Gaming (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 5,892 56.08%
No 4,615 43.92%
Total 10,507 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER TWO, AN AMENDMENT Additional Civil Service Credit for Veterans with Disabilities Certified Post-Appointment (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 8,310 83.05%
No 1,696 16.95%
Total 10,006 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER THREE, AN AMENDMENT Exclusion of Indebtedness Contracted for Sewage Facilities (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 5,401 57.52%
No 3,989 42.48%
Total 9,390 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER FOUR, AN AMENDMENT Settling Disputed Title in the Forest Preserve (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 6,271 66.86%
No 3,109 33.14%
Total 9,380 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER FIVE, AN AMENDMENT In Relation to a Land Exchange in the State Forest Preserve with NYCO Minerals, Inc. (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 4,966 52.69%
No 4,459 47.31%
Total 9,425 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER SIX, AN AMENDMENT Increasing Age until which Certain State Judges Can Serve (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 3,291 33.32%
No 6,587 66.68%
Total 9,878 100.00%
State Supreme Court Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Richard J. McNally - DEM Richard J. McNally - IND Carol Donnelly Stevens - REP Carol Donnelly Stevens - CON W. Dennis Duggan - WOR Write-in
Ancram 1 75 11 75 16 8 0
Ancram 2 64 5 64 9 4 0
Austerlitz 1 138 14 95 21 5 0
Austerlitz 2 138 13 84 17 8 0
Canaan 1 95 16 31 13 9 0
Canaan 2 84 15 72 16 9 0
Chatham 1 188 27 125 32 8 1
Chatham 2 112 16 91 25 9 0
Chatham 3 200 31 161 53 12 0
Claverack 1 83 19 169 24 8 0
Claverack 2 128 21 160 43 10 0
Claverack 3 135 21 141 24 4 0
Claverack 4 145 38 140 41 14 0
Claverack 5 60 16 108 12 3 0
Clermont 1 134 21 183 61 13 0
Copake 1 180 41 159 44 8 0
Copake 2 163 44 198 46 12 0
Gallatin 1 111 19 140 43 14 0
Germantown 1 111 18 140 20 3 0
Germantown 2 109 18 121 17 10 0
Ghent 1 164 35 137 34 21 0
Ghent 2 150 30 143 38 7 0
Ghent 3 127 26 149 41 10 0
Ghent 4 108 15 85 24 5 0
Greenport 1 100 26 136 49 6 0
Greenport 2 72 23 92 32 9 0
Greenport 3 103 31 172 40 4 1
Hillsdale 1 116 12 88 20 12 0
Hillsdale 2 104 17 69 16 7 0
Kinderhook 1 134 16 117 23 10 0
Kinderhook 2 95 22 102 27 9 1
Kinderhook 3 118 21 125 40 14 1
Kinderhook 4 106 34 105 46 11 0
Kinderhook 5 107 26 125 36 12 2
Kinderhook 6 92 26 80 31 10 0
Kinderhook 7 102 28 120 49 9 0
Kinderhook 8 103 26 138 42 7 0
Livingston 1 112 32 231 40 18 0
Livingston 2 67 12 118 20 6 0
New Lebanon 1 148 34 73 23 10 0
New Lebanon 2 143 25 129 33 10 0
Stockport 1 93 20 133 30 16 0
Stockport 2 101 18 128 25 11 0
Stuyvesant 1 105 17 103 38 3 0
Stuyvesant 2 131 27 179 50 9 0
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 111 9 17 1 12 0
Hudson 2 145 9 31 6 4 0
Hudson 3 145 22 52 11 15 0
Hudson 4 77 10 18 7 6 0
Hudson 5-1 129 20 82 12 7 0
Hudson 5-2 96 16 101 23 13 0
Total 5,957 1,109 5,835 1,484 474 6
County Court Judge (Vote for 1)
ED Jonathan Nichols - REP Jonathan Nichols - CON Jonathan Nichols - IND Write-in
Ancram 1 107 15 29 0
Ancram 2 87 11 19 0
Austerlitz 1 115 21 46 1
Austerlitz 2 117 18 48 0
Canaan 1 52 17 43 1
Canaan 2 88 20 45 0
Chatham 1 167 32 61 1
Chatham 2 108 27 45 0
Chatham 3 198 48 90 1
Claverack 1 231 28 28 2
Claverack 2 226 46 51 0
Claverack 3 204 32 68 0
Claverack 4 206 55 69 3
Claverack 5 139 13 34 2
Clermont 1 227 56 67 0
Copake 1 193 52 73 1
Copake 2 251 48 86 1
Gallatin 1 184 43 56 0
Germantown 1 165 23 47 1
Germantown 2 153 18 51 1
Ghent 1 178 35 79 0
Ghent 2 216 44 45 0
Ghent 3 181 45 64 0
Ghent 4 121 24 34 1
Greenport 1 205 57 39 0
Greenport 2 121 40 42 2
Greenport 3 249 49 49 1
Hillsdale 1 117 24 42 2
Hillsdale 2 112 19 55 0
Kinderhook 1 159 27 59 2
Kinderhook 2 126 17 66 0
Kinderhook 3 178 44 68 3
Kinderhook 4 157 47 74 2
Kinderhook 5 163 38 55 0
Kinderhook 6 112 38 57 3
Kinderhook 7 158 48 47 0
Kinderhook 8 180 41 57 1
Livingston 1 283 43 69 0
Livingston 2 131 17 36 2
New Lebanon 1 129 21 79 0
New Lebanon 2 173 33 73 2
Stockport 1 185 36 49 0
Stockport 2 173 44 49 0
Stuyvesant 1 138 37 43 0
Stuyvesant 2 214 47 64 1
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 38 9 22 3
Hudson 2 76 11 23 0
Hudson 3 79 17 66 1
Hudson 4 43 10 31 0
Hudson 5-1 132 23 48 0
Hudson 5-2 153 29 36 2
Total 7,898 1,637 2,676 43
Sheriff (Vote for 1)
ED Mike Winnie - DEM Mike Winnie - WOR David Bartlett - REP David Bartlett - CON David Bartlett - IND Write-in
Ancram 1 50 8 105 20 18 0
Ancram 2 52 2 84 9 9 0
Austerlitz 1 120 10 112 19 27 0
Austerlitz 2 124 9 112 16 22 0
Canaan 1 83 11 46 18 14 0
Canaan 2 74 11 91 16 13 0
Chatham 1 166 18 148 35 27 0
Chatham 2 99 15 102 25 21 0
Chatham 3 168 25 198 45 35 1
Claverack 1 55 6 219 30 18 0
Claverack 2 102 9 206 41 26 1
Claverack 3 89 11 191 28 34 0
Claverack 4 114 20 188 47 38 0
Claverack 5 43 9 137 9 21 0
Clermont 1 107 17 227 50 31 0
Copake 1 145 9 203 47 50 0
Copake 2 120 21 257 40 52 0
Gallatin 1 89 16 177 39 24 0
Germantown 1 88 3 170 22 27 1
Germantown 2 90 11 149 15 31 1
Ghent 1 138 23 183 28 45 0
Ghent 2 117 9 195 42 37 0
Ghent 3 113 9 172 47 32 0
Ghent 4 87 4 110 21 22 1
Greenport 1 66 9 209 47 33 0
Greenport 2 54 6 133 40 32 0
Greenport 3 58 12 244 50 30 2
Hillsdale 1 90 13 125 21 16 0
Hillsdale 2 71 15 101 16 26 0
Kinderhook 1 96 14 152 20 27 0
Kinderhook 2 63 11 121 19 44 0
Kinderhook 3 84 12 170 39 32 0
Kinderhook 4 74 9 148 44 52 0
Kinderhook 5 85 11 150 37 41 0
Kinderhook 6 66 8 121 34 36 0
Kinderhook 7 90 13 132 50 24 0
Kinderhook 8 72 8 167 48 31 0
Livingston 1 90 16 281 35 37 2
Livingston 2 63 9 125 18 20 0
New Lebanon 1 117 10 112 23 37 0
New Lebanon 2 113 10 158 32 31 0
Stockport 1 65 10 187 28 38 0
Stockport 2 69 11 179 33 25 0
Stuyvesant 1 86 7 125 36 18 0
Stuyvesant 2 104 14 207 49 34 0
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 95 9 27 3 12 0
Hudson 2 131 6 48 6 6 0
Hudson 3 139 13 71 16 16 0
Hudson 4 71 5 32 8 14 0
Hudson 5-1 81 7 126 22 25 0
Hudson 5-2 69 11 139 28 21 0
Total 4,695 565 7,572 1,511 1,432 9
Coroner (Vote for 1)
ED Angelo Nero - REP Angelo Nero - CON Angelo Nero - IND Write-in
Ancram 1 100 16 36 0
Ancram 2 82 11 18 0
Austerlitz 1 114 21 50 0
Austerlitz 2 113 17 49 0
Canaan 1 53 17 39 1
Canaan 2 85 19 43 1
Chatham 1 169 29 59 0
Chatham 2 108 30 51 0
Chatham 3 199 51 87 1
Claverack 1 230 23 34 1
Claverack 2 217 47 51 0
Claverack 3 194 28 61 0
Claverack 4 196 52 62 1
Claverack 5 137 13 33 0
Clermont 1 225 56 61 0
Copake 1 187 51 82 1
Copake 2 247 49 84 1
Gallatin 1 178 45 54 0
Germantown 1 174 19 41 1
Germantown 2 150 16 55 1
Ghent 1 186 32 80 0
Ghent 2 210 41 50 0
Ghent 3 193 43 56 0
Ghent 4 121 19 35 2
Greenport 1 208 58 42 0
Greenport 2 136 36 43 0
Greenport 3 245 56 42 1
Hillsdale 1 122 21 47 0
Hillsdale 2 104 14 58 0
Kinderhook 1 166 27 59 0
Kinderhook 2 122 20 66 0
Kinderhook 3 176 40 74 1
Kinderhook 4 156 43 84 3
Kinderhook 5 167 30 63 3
Kinderhook 6 119 38 56 2
Kinderhook 7 162 54 48 1
Kinderhook 8 179 43 58 1
Livingston 1 270 49 69 0
Livingston 2 132 23 34 0
New Lebanon 1 130 20 76 0
New Lebanon 2 173 37 74 0
Stockport 1 187 37 48 0
Stockport 2 179 39 52 0
Stuyvesant 1 135 35 48 0
Stuyvesant 2 220 51 68 1
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0
Hudson 1 35 6 27 3
Hudson 2 71 11 20 0
Hudson 3 84 16 63 0
Hudson 4 40 10 34 0
Hudson 5-1 128 26 48 0
Hudson 5-2 144 32 37 3
Total 7,858 1,617 2,709 30
Mayor (Vote for 1)
ED Victor Mendolia - DEM Victor Mendolia - WOR William H. Hallenbeck, Jr. - REP William H. Hallenbeck, Jr. - CON William H. Hallenbeck, Jr. - IND Write-in
Hudson 1 89 5 35 4 11 4
Hudson 2 108 5 78 6 9 3
Hudson 3 125 13 88 13 21 1
Hudson 4 57 4 47 10 18 2
Hudson 5-1 82 6 142 20 29 0
Hudson 5-2 69 11 150 30 17 0
Total 530 44 540 83 105 10
Common Council President (Vote for 1)
ED Donald A. Moore - DEM Donald A. Moore - WOR Vincent J. Concra - REP Vincent J. Concra - CON Vincent J. Concra - IND Write-in
Hudson 1 106 9 20 7 7 1
Hudson 2 133 10 37 5 6 1
Hudson 3 171 12 36 11 17 2
Hudson 4 80 12 17 9 8 1
Hudson 5-1 122 22 87 12 18 0
Hudson 5-2 98 11 114 24 19 1
Total 710 76 311 68 75 6
City Treasurer (Vote for 1)
ED Heather S. Campbell - DEM Heather S. Campbell - WOR Rachel Kappel - REP Rachel Kappel - CON Rachel Kappel - IND Write-in
Hudson 1 115 14 15 5 3 0
Hudson 2 118 4 58 8 11 0
Hudson 3 153 14 55 14 21 0
Hudson 4 64 8 37 7 12 0
Hudson 5-1 99 11 105 21 24 0
Hudson 5-2 69 9 140 29 26 0
Total 618 60 410 84 97 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Art Bassin - DEM Art Bassin - REP Write-in
Ancram 1 97 85 2
Ancram 2 79 59 0
Total 176 144 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Robert Lagonia - DEM Jeffrey Braley - REP Jeffrey Braley - CON Jeffrey Braley - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 180 79 14 21 2
Austerlitz 2 191 74 11 17 0
Total 371 153 25 38 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Robin Andrews - DEM Robin Andrews - CPC Clifford (Kippy) Weigelt - REP Clifford (Kippy) Weigelt - CON Clifford (Kippy) Weigelt - IND Ed Fertik - FPC Write-in
Claverack 1 105 11 177 16 8 9 0
Claverack 2 160 14 152 31 12 22 0
Claverack 3 155 19 151 18 19 7 0
Claverack 4 193 24 120 31 12 36 0
Claverack 5 87 17 93 9 10 5 0
Total 700 85 693 105 61 79 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Richard Keaveney - DEM Richard Keaveney - REP Richard Keaveney - CON Richard Keaveney - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 98 29 12 17 1
Canaan 2 84 71 14 18 3
Total 182 100 26 35 4
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Raymond J. Staats - DEM Raymond J. Staats - REP Raymond J. Staats - CON Raymond J. Staats - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 150 184 47 34 3
Total 150 184 47 34 3
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED John C. Reilly - REP John C. Reilly - IND Thomas M. Garrick - CON Write-in
Gallatin 1 138 51 135 0
Total 138 51 135 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Joel Craig - DEM Joel Craig - REP Joel Craig - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 106 136 26 3
Germantown 2 108 126 32 5
Total 214 262 58 8
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Michael Benvenuto - DEM Michael Benvenuto - REP Richard Sardo - CON Richard Sardo - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 186 146 43 30 0
Ghent 2 147 171 59 19 0
Ghent 3 136 140 75 23 0
Ghent 4 108 92 31 11 0
Total 577 549 208 83 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED John J. Porreca, Sr. - REP John J. Porreca, Sr. - CON John J. Porreca, Sr. - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 192 51 50 3
Greenport 2 119 37 42 0
Greenport 3 242 49 45 5
Total 553 137 137 8
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Patrick M. Grattan - REP Patrick M. Grattan - CON Patrick M. Grattan - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 155 23 55 1
Kinderhook 2 122 18 67 1
Kinderhook 3 167 38 71 5
Kinderhook 4 146 45 77 2
Kinderhook 5 162 35 56 4
Kinderhook 6 120 36 54 1
Kinderhook 7 154 53 48 3
Kinderhook 8 180 42 57 1
Total 1,206 290 485 18
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED James J. Guzzi - DEM James J. Guzzi - REP Write-in
Livingston 1 134 274 2
Livingston 2 74 131 8
Total 208 405 10
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Matthew J. Larabee - DEM Michael Benson - REP Michael Benson - CON Michael Benson - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 152 113 13 40 1
New Lebanon 2 146 151 30 39 1
Total 298 264 43 79 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Lee Jamison - DEM Lee Jamison - WOR Ronald L. Knott - REP Ronald L. Knott - CON Ronald L. Knott - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 103 13 110 37 13 0
Stuyvesant 2 121 19 195 49 29 0
Total 224 32 305 86 42 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Larry Kadish - DEM Larry Kadish - WOR Erik Tyree - REP Erik Tyree - CON Erik Tyree - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
Town Clerk (Vote for 1)
ED Mary Helen Shannon - DEM Mary Helen Shannon - REP Mary Helen Shannon - CON Mary Helen Shannon - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 137 200 47 32 0
Total 137 200 47 32 0
Town Clerk (Vote for 1)
ED Joyce Vale - REP Joyce Vale - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 191 52 1
Germantown 2 161 65 1
Total 352 117 2
Town Clerk (Vote for 1)
ED Colleen Teal - REP Colleen Teal - CON Colleen Teal - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 142 25 87 0
New Lebanon 2 185 37 86 0
Total 327 62 173 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Charlotte L. Cowan - DEM Charlotte L. Cowan - REP Charlotte L. Cowan - CON Charlotte L. Cowan - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 100 36 17 17 0
Canaan 2 88 70 14 19 0
Total 188 106 31 36 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Beth Anne Rippel - DEM Beth Anne Rippel - REP Beth Anne Rippel - CON Beth Anne Rippel - IND Write-in
Chatham 1 179 134 30 33 0
Chatham 2 110 94 25 18 1
Chatham 3 202 167 48 33 1
Total 491 395 103 84 2
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Lisa M. Deleeuw - DEM Lisa M. Deleeuw - REP Write-in
Gallatin 1 116 185 0
Total 116 185 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Michelle Radley - DEM Michelle Radley - REP Michelle Radley - CON Michelle Radley - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 156 156 28 40 0
Ghent 2 128 170 32 26 1
Ghent 3 128 149 38 32 0
Ghent 4 101 90 23 17 0
Total 513 565 121 115 1
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Sharon Zempko - REP Sharon Zempko - CON Sharon Zempko - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 201 54 53 0
Greenport 2 132 38 48 0
Greenport 3 244 50 52 1
Total 577 142 153 1
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Tammy Molinski - DEM Tammy Molinski - REP Tammy Molinski - CON Write-in
Livingston 1 123 255 47 6
Livingston 2 71 121 20 4
Total 194 376 67 10
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Nancy P. Thomas - DEM Melissa A. Naegeli - REP Melissa A. Naegeli - CON Melissa A. Naegeli - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 93 124 36 21 0
Stuyvesant 2 120 211 50 36 0
Total 213 335 86 57 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Cheryl E. Rogers - REP Cheryl E. Rogers - CON Cheryl E. Rogers - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Susan A. Haag - DEM Susan A. Haag - REP Susan A. Haag - CON Susan A. Haag - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 140 100 20 23 0
Austerlitz 2 152 95 14 19 0
Total 292 195 34 42 0
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Mary J. Hoose - REP Mary J. Hoose - CON Mary J. Hoose - IND Write-in
Claverack 1 236 27 26 1
Claverack 2 224 46 51 0
Claverack 3 203 30 62 0
Claverack 4 206 51 68 2
Claverack 5 138 14 35 0
Total 1,007 168 242 3
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Sandra M. Novak - DEM Sandra M. Novak - REP Sandra M. Novak - CON Write-in
Stockport 1 90 149 42 4
Stockport 2 94 145 32 5
Total 184 294 74 9
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Medeleine Israel - DEM Christopher R. Thomas - DEM Christopher R. Thomas - REP Arnold T. Anderson, Sr. - REP Write-in
Ancram 1 121 96 89 75 2
Ancram 2 100 80 60 49 0
Total 221 176 149 124 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Greg Vogler - DEM Carol Pinto - REP Carol Pinto - CON Carol Pinto - IND Matthew A. Verenazi - REP Matthew A. Verenazi - CON Matthew A. Verenazi - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 140 110 21 30 122 19 39 2
Austerlitz 2 161 105 11 21 138 12 43 0
Total 301 215 32 51 260 31 82 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED David L. Patzwahl - DEM David L. Patzwahl - REP David L. Patzwahl - CON David L. Patzwahl - IND Carrie Bither - DEM Carrie Bither - REP Carrie Bither - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 94 32 13 15 95 36 20 0
Canaan 2 80 65 14 17 83 70 17 5
Total 174 97 27 32 178 106 37 5
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Landra B. Haber - DEM Landra B. Haber - WOR Kandace M. Eaton - DEM Kandace M. Eaton - WOR Maria Lull - REP Maria Lull - CON Maria Lull - IND Henry V. Swartz, Jr. - REP Henry V. Swartz, Jr. - CON Henry V. Swartz, Jr. - IND Write-in
Chatham 1 179 19 181 25 131 38 22 134 34 20 0
Chatham 2 117 19 113 19 87 23 16 91 22 18 0
Chatham 3 194 34 191 28 168 46 28 175 47 31 0
Total 490 72 485 72 386 107 66 400 103 69 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Robert Preusser - DEM Robert Preusser - CPC Diane Boice-Yorck - DEM Diane Boice-Yorck - CPC Brian Keeler - REP Brian Keeler - CON Brian Keeler - IND Stephen J. Hook - REP Stephen J. Hook - CON Stephen J. Hook - IND Write-in
Claverack 1 83 12 80 12 211 21 14 168 25 10 0
Claverack 2 130 16 122 16 190 45 30 165 37 17 0
Claverack 3 132 21 128 25 157 26 24 142 25 18 0
Claverack 4 168 28 168 26 145 42 23 130 38 16 0
Claverack 5 69 25 73 20 102 10 17 95 8 12 0
Total 582 102 571 99 805 144 108 700 133 73 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Dawn M. Brownson - DEM Ray Keeler - DEM Robert G. Desmond - REP Robert G. Desmond - CON Robert G. Desmond - IND Kris Gildersleeve - REP Kris Gildersleeve - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 173 109 235 49 38 207 27 2
Total 173 109 235 49 38 207 27 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Jeanne E. Mettler - DEM Jeanne E. Mettler - REP Jeanne E. Mettler - CON Jeanne E. Mettler - WOR Jeanne E. Mettler - IND Matt Cain - DEM David Paciencia - REP David Paciencia - CON David Paciencia - IND Write-in
Copake 1 188 144 44 5 38 207 177 42 41 0
Copake 2 167 174 41 11 43 191 225 42 49 3
Total 355 318 85 16 81 398 402 84 90 3
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Steven Sorman - DEM Joseph S. Grabarz - DEM John Fraser Paterson - REP Eric Mortenson - REP Eric Mortenson - CON Eric Mortenson - IND Write-in
Gallatin 1 118 115 223 153 27 27 0
Total 118 115 223 153 27 27 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Annie Provan - DEM Billy Kimmel - DEM Matthew Phelan - REP Matthew Phelan - IND Andrea L. Dunn - REP Andrea L. Dunn - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 105 107 166 25 152 24 2
Germantown 2 118 124 142 33 131 26 0
Total 223 231 308 58 283 50 2
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Mallory Mort - DEM Mallory Mort - GFP Charles Wood - DEM Charles Wood - REP Charles Wood - IND Lawrence E. Van Brunt - REP Lawrence E. Van Brunt - CON Lawrence E. Van Brunt - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 191 11 163 169 43 148 29 40 0
Ghent 2 154 19 141 181 30 168 40 20 0
Ghent 3 178 20 128 165 28 129 31 22 0
Ghent 4 138 20 96 85 18 78 15 14 1
Total 661 70 528 600 119 523 115 96 1
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED George P. Super - DEM Michelle M. Ublacker - REP Michelle M. Ublacker - CON Michelle M. Ublacker - IND Clayton Clark - REP Clayton Clark - CON Clayton Clark - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 108 180 51 39 182 44 29 0
Greenport 2 85 105 36 30 122 35 30 2
Greenport 3 134 202 42 39 199 46 32 2
Total 327 487 129 108 503 125 91 4
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Gillian Sims-Elster - DEM Peter Cipkowski - DEM Frank Velez - REP Carmen Barbato - REP Write-in
Hillsdale 1 130 120 112 162 0
Hillsdale 2 104 93 120 140 0
Total 234 213 232 302 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Barbara-anne Johnson-Heimroth - DEM Barbara-anne Johnson-Heimroth - CPK Patsy Leader - REP Patsy Leader - CON Patsy Leader - IND Paul Voltz - REP Paul Voltz - CON Paul Voltz - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 146 13 135 20 40 122 23 24 0
Kinderhook 2 118 10 108 16 53 96 20 33 7
Kinderhook 3 125 10 160 35 55 137 37 35 4
Kinderhook 4 111 22 132 42 60 120 44 50 2
Kinderhook 5 119 13 149 33 48 129 28 44 1
Kinderhook 6 99 11 106 38 43 100 34 25 2
Kinderhook 7 118 15 148 47 46 122 42 23 0
Kinderhook 8 119 17 165 47 46 137 41 22 0
Total 955 111 1,103 278 391 963 269 256 16
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Phil Williams - DEM Carly O'Brien - DEM Philip J. Massaro - REP Kelly McDonald - REP Kelly McDonald - IND Write-in
Livingston 1 155 130 316 288 17 0
Livingston 2 87 67 137 121 15 0
Total 242 197 453 409 32 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Irene Hanna - DEM Trina Porte - DEM Dan Evans - REP Dan Evans - CON Dan Evans - IND Chuck Geraldi - REP Joshua Schuster - CON Joshua Schuster - IND Kevin Smith - VPP Write-in
New Lebanon 1 155 73 108 20 49 130 15 9 59 0
New Lebanon 2 130 64 156 33 40 173 32 14 51 0
Total 285 137 264 53 89 303 47 23 110 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Daniel M. Marcus - DEM Kathleen A. Hamm - DEM Kathleen A. Hamm - REP Wayne E. Kinney - CON Wayne E. Kinney - IND John L. Drabick - REP Write-in
Stockport 1 87 70 136 73 34 181 1
Stockport 2 106 81 130 69 33 158 0
Total 193 151 266 142 67 339 1
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Edward Kiernan - DEM Edward Kiernan - WOR Edward W. Scott - REP Edward W. Scott - CON Edward W. Scott - IND Brian K. Chittenden - REP Brian K. Chittenden - CON Brian K. Chittenden - IND Melanie Donahoe - DEM Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 87 8 123 36 19 111 37 18 98 0
Stuyvesant 2 113 13 187 52 34 192 47 33 136 0
Total 200 21 310 88 53 303 84 51 234 0
Town Council (Vote for 2)
ED Joyce Thompson - DEM Joyce Thompson - WOR Linda Swartz - DEM Carolyn Sammons - REP Carolyn Sammons - CON Carolyn Sammons - IND Ryan Skoda - REP Ryan Skoda - CON Ryan Skoda - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Sharon Grubin - DEM Karen M. Kellogg - REP Write-in
Austerlitz 1 186 101 0
Austerlitz 2 201 77 0
Total 387 178 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Charles Edwin Hoag, Jr. - REP Charles Edwin Hoag, Jr. - CON Write-in
Claverack 1 239 39 0
Claverack 2 236 64 0
Claverack 3 211 54 0
Claverack 4 229 71 1
Claverack 5 150 21 0
Total 1,065 249 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Ronald W. F. Banks - REP Ronald W. F. Banks - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 283 67 0
Total 283 67 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Brian J. Herman - DEM Brian J. Herman - WOR Glenn R. Schermerhorn - REP Glenn R. Schermerhorn - CON Glenn R. Schermerhorn - IND Write-in
Copake 1 216 22 158 41 38 0
Copake 2 165 23 219 37 58 0
Total 381 45 377 78 96 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Fred C. Schultz - DEM Fred C. Schultz - REP Fred C. Schultz - IND Write-in
Gallatin 1 105 178 30 1
Total 105 178 30 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Wendy Nack-Lawlor - REP Wendy Nack-Lawlor - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 201 52 1
Germantown 2 169 72 1
Total 370 124 2
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED David W. Harrison, Sr. - REP David W. Harrison, Sr. - CON David W. Harrison, Sr. - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 199 31 79 0
Ghent 2 211 39 57 0
Ghent 3 194 38 63 0
Ghent 4 126 21 33 1
Total 730 129 232 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Robert T. Brenzel - REP Robert T. Brenzel - CON Robert T. Brenzel - IND Write-in
Greenport 1 208 52 45 0
Greenport 2 140 38 40 0
Greenport 3 241 48 43 1
Total 589 138 128 1
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Tom Puchner - DEM Tom Puchner - WOR Lisa M. Mills - REP Lisa M. Mills - CON Lisa M. Mills - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 134 17 117 17 23 0
Kinderhook 2 103 17 95 16 27 0
Kinderhook 3 122 17 134 34 27 0
Kinderhook 4 99 29 117 38 37 0
Kinderhook 5 105 20 130 34 28 0
Kinderhook 6 83 14 89 35 34 0
Kinderhook 7 118 14 110 39 28 0
Kinderhook 8 100 11 152 38 26 0
Total 864 139 944 251 230 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Robert Q. Moore - DEM Robert Q. Moore - REP Robert Q. Moore - IND Write-in
Livingston 1 127 284 29 0
Livingston 2 73 128 15 4
Total 200 412 44 4
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Jessica Byrne - DEM Jessica Byrne - REP Jessica Byrne - CON Jessica Byrne - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 151 76 15 42 2
New Lebanon 2 117 119 27 39 3
Total 268 195 42 81 5
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED John J. Mabb - DEM John J. Mabb - REP John J. Mabb - CON Write-in
Stockport 1 88 150 39 1
Stockport 2 98 144 40 0
Total 186 294 79 1
Town Justice (Vote for 2)
ED Nancy J.Trichter - DEM Ned Depew III - DEM Joseph A. Bruno - REP Joseph A. Bruno - CON Joseph A. Bruno - IND Carrie A. O'Hare - REP Carrie A. O'Hare - CON Carrie A. O'Hare - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 95 81 122 42 20 122 39 23 0
Stuyvesant 2 125 114 193 51 38 200 56 34 0
Total 220 195 315 93 58 322 95 57 0
Town Justice (Vote for 1)
ED Jeff Tallackson - DEM Jeff Tallackson - WOR William Leete - REP William Leete - CON William Leete - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Robert Meeham, Jr. - DEM Robert Meeham, Jr. - REP Robert Meeham, Jr. - IND Write-in
Austerlitz 1 120 100 25 10
Austerlitz 2 138 86 22 0
Total 258 186 47 10
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Bernhard F. Meyer - DEM Bernhard F. Meyer - REP Bernhard F. Meyer - CON Bernhard F. Meyer - IND Write-in
Canaan 1 92 34 14 20 0
Canaan 2 94 67 15 17 3
Total 186 101 29 37 3
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Joseph M. Rickert - DEM Joseph M. Rickert - REP Joseph M. Rickert - CON Joseph M. Rickert - IND Write-in
Chatham 1 171 128 27 32 0
Chatham 2 104 88 24 21 0
Chatham 3 201 167 47 38 0
Total 476 383 98 91 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Louis C. LaMont, Jr. - REP Louis C. LaMont, Jr. - CON Write-in
Claverack 1 238 41 1
Claverack 2 245 69 0
Claverack 3 228 60 0
Claverack 4 241 82 1
Claverack 5 154 21 0
Total 1,106 273 2
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED James C. Potts, Jr. - DEM James C. Potts, Jr. - REP James C. Potts, Jr. - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 147 229 39 0
Total 147 229 39 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Richard W. Jennings - REP Richard W. Jennings - CON Richard W. Jennings - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 185 9 54 3
Germantown 2 160 9 69 3
Total 345 18 123 6
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Benjamin J. Perry - DEM Benjamin J. Perry - REP Benjamin J. Perry - CON Benjamin J. Perry - IND Write-in
Ghent 1 158 159 30 43 0
Ghent 2 133 168 32 28 3
Ghent 3 130 162 34 32 0
Ghent 4 97 96 21 20 0
Total 518 585 117 123 3
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Mark A. Gaylord - DEM Mark A. Gaylord - CON Mark A. Gaylord - IND John R. Hawks - REP Write-in
Greenport 1 119 52 21 159 0
Greenport 2 99 48 23 95 0
Greenport 3 118 52 26 189 0
Total 336 152 70 443 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED John Ruchel - DEM John Ruchel - REP John Ruchel - CON John Ruchel - WOR John Ruchel - IND Write-in
Kinderhook 1 128 105 19 11 19 0
Kinderhook 2 87 95 16 7 35 0
Kinderhook 3 110 128 36 9 27 0
Kinderhook 4 102 116 40 10 35 0
Kinderhook 5 99 123 26 6 32 2
Kinderhook 6 86 82 31 4 32 0
Kinderhook 7 104 114 42 6 23 1
Kinderhook 8 89 140 34 4 30 1
Total 805 903 244 57 233 4
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED David Lyons - REP Write-in
Livingston 1 388 2
Livingston 2 178 3
Total 566 5
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Jeffrey A. Winestock - DEM Jeffrey A. Winestock - CON Jeffrey A. Winestock - IND Karl B. Chittenden - REP Write-in
New Lebanon 1 190 31 40 57 0
New Lebanon 2 187 52 30 98 0
Total 377 83 70 155 0
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Timothy Masten - DEM Timothy Masten - REP Timothy Masten - CON Write-in
Stockport 1 95 144 45 2
Stockport 2 89 138 39 1
Total 184 282 84 3
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED Bernard J. Kowalski - REP Bernard J. Kowalski - CON Bernard J. Kowalski - IND Write-in
Stuyvesant 1 135 43 43 4
Stuyvesant 2 225 51 69 4
Total 360 94 112 8
Highway Superintendent (Vote for 1)
ED George Hotaling - DEM Bob "Rocky" Rochler - REP Bob "Rocky" Rochler - CON Bob "Rocky" Rochler - IND Write-in
Taghkanic 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0
Assessor (Vote for 1)
ED Charles Brewer - REP Charles Brewer - CON Write-in
Claverack 1 236 38 3
Claverack 2 232 67 0
Claverack 3 210 52 1
Claverack 4 217 78 1
Claverack 5 143 17 1
Total 1,038 252 6
Assessor (Vote for 1)
ED John G. Unson - REP Write-in
Stockport 1 255 0
Stockport 2 233 1
Total 488 1
Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Joan Buser - DEM Joan Buser - REP Joan Buser - IND Write-in
Clermont 1 136 230 40 0
Total 136 230 40 0
Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Janice Mullins - REP Janice Mullins - IND Write-in
Germantown 1 187 58 1
Germantown 2 165 73 1
Total 352 131 2
Tax Collector (Vote for 1)
ED Tammie Darcy - DEM Tammie Darcy - REP Tammie Darcy - CON Tammie Darcy - IND Write-in
New Lebanon 1 164 75 24 42 0
New Lebanon 2 143 120 32 37 1
Total 307 195 56 79 1
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Sarah H. Sterling - DEM Write-in
Hudson 1 127 3
Total 127 3
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Edward C. Cross III - DEM Write-in
Hudson 2 171 2
Total 171 2
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Ellen V. Thurston - DEM Write-in
Hudson 3 193 0
Total 193 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED William Hughes, Jr. - DEM William Hughes, Jr. - CON Write-in
Hudson 4 87 20 0
Total 87 20 0
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Richard E. Scalera - REP Richard E. Scalera - CON Richard E. Scalera - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-1 126 28 37 4
Total 126 28 37 4
Supervisor (Vote for 1)
ED Richard E. Scalera - REP Richard E. Scalera - CON Richard E. Scalera - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-2 138 35 31 5
Total 138 35 31 5
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Nick Haddad - DEM David Marston - DEM Write-in
Hudson 1 128 130 6
Total 128 130 6
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Abdus S. Miah - DEM Abdus S. Miah - CON Tiffany Garriga - DEM Kenneth Ivey - REP Kenneth Ivey - CON Write-in
Hudson 2 144 14 111 62 17 5
Total 144 14 111 62 17 5
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED John Friedman - DEM John Friedman - WOR Henry Haddad - DEM Henry Haddad - WOR Glenn Martin - REP Glenn Martin - CON Write-in
Hudson 3 159 22 166 16 71 21 7
Total 159 22 166 16 71 21 7
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Ohrine E. Stewart - DEM Alexis B. Keith - DEM Alexis B. Keith - WOR Derrick Smart - REP Write-in
Hudson 4 77 91 11 39 1
Total 77 91 11 39 1
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Eileen Halloran - DEM Eileen Halloran - WOR Megan Carr - DEM Megan Carr - WOR Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - REP Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - REP Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-1 110 14 91 11 112 26 108 20 20 1
Total 110 14 91 11 112 26 108 20 20 1
Alderman (Vote for 2)
ED Eileen Halloran - DEM Eileen Halloran - WOR Megan Carr - DEM Megan Carr - WOR Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - REP Robert J. Donahue, Sr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - REP Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - CON Bartholomew F. Delaney, Jr. - IND Write-in
Hudson 5-2 88 19 66 9 139 28 131 28 21 0
Total 88 19 66 9 139 28 131 28 21 0
Proposal Number One, an Amendment Authorizing Casino Gambling (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 116 100
Ancram 2 79 75
Austerlitz 1 109 176
Austerlitz 2 114 173
Canaan 1 57 110
Canaan 2 92 117
Chatham 1 152 246
Chatham 2 115 141
Chatham 3 180 295
Claverack 1 180 137
Claverack 2 203 158
Claverack 3 194 135
Claverack 4 237 162
Claverack 5 115 87
Clermont 1 211 203
Copake 1 270 172
Copake 2 295 198
Gallatin 1 192 161
Germantown 1 167 136
Germantown 2 157 114
Ghent 1 178 219
Ghent 2 199 179
Ghent 3 173 177
Ghent 4 127 115
Greenport 1 259 89
Greenport 2 161 89
Greenport 3 278 110
Hillsdale 1 112 150
Hillsdale 2 117 118
Kinderhook 1 141 169
Kinderhook 2 90 168
Kinderhook 3 176 160
Kinderhook 4 163 168
Kinderhook 5 138 184
Kinderhook 6 142 120
Kinderhook 7 160 153
Kinderhook 8 161 168
Livingston 1 263 200
Livingston 2 137 96
New Lebanon 1 155 162
New Lebanon 2 187 176
Stockport 1 191 116
Stockport 2 184 100
Stuyvesant 1 129 146
Stuyvesant 2 209 198
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 46 89
Hudson 2 95 41
Hudson 3 113 117
Hudson 4 74 33
Hudson 5-1 164 90
Hudson 5-2 191 87
Total 8,148 7,283
Proposal Number Two, an Amendment Additional Civil Service Credit for Veterans with Disabilities Certified Post-Appointment (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 169 38
Ancram 2 126 20
Austerlitz 1 222 51
Austerlitz 2 228 46
Canaan 1 141 24
Canaan 2 172 31
Chatham 1 296 93
Chatham 2 212 33
Chatham 3 375 89
Claverack 1 257 44
Claverack 2 282 73
Claverack 3 260 57
Claverack 4 319 64
Claverack 5 159 38
Clermont 1 301 96
Copake 1 354 68
Copake 2 409 64
Gallatin 1 276 55
Germantown 1 243 47
Germantown 2 227 41
Ghent 1 324 60
Ghent 2 318 49
Ghent 3 279 61
Ghent 4 183 48
Greenport 1 270 52
Greenport 2 189 50
Greenport 3 323 44
Hillsdale 1 210 44
Hillsdale 2 178 44
Kinderhook 1 248 53
Kinderhook 2 214 38
Kinderhook 3 266 61
Kinderhook 4 262 63
Kinderhook 5 254 56
Kinderhook 6 215 41
Kinderhook 7 261 51
Kinderhook 8 258 64
Livingston 1 349 99
Livingston 2 187 35
New Lebanon 1 241 53
New Lebanon 2 291 52
Stockport 1 263 36
Stockport 2 244 36
Stuyvesant 1 228 39
Stuyvesant 2 331 65
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 104 22
Hudson 2 118 12
Hudson 3 185 27
Hudson 4 94 10
Hudson 5-1 208 38
Hudson 5-2 235 37
Total 12,358 2,512
Proposal Number Three, an Amendment Exclusion of Indebtedness Contracted for Sewage Facilities (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 102 91
Ancram 2 80 58
Austerlitz 1 154 98
Austerlitz 2 165 86
Canaan 1 110 41
Canaan 2 128 63
Chatham 1 209 151
Chatham 2 180 59
Chatham 3 264 179
Claverack 1 156 119
Claverack 2 185 134
Claverack 3 186 118
Claverack 4 227 129
Claverack 5 102 81
Clermont 1 185 172
Copake 1 202 184
Copake 2 224 213
Gallatin 1 149 157
Germantown 1 168 105
Germantown 2 162 89
Ghent 1 237 115
Ghent 2 200 133
Ghent 3 156 150
Ghent 4 129 92
Greenport 1 156 129
Greenport 2 132 88
Greenport 3 235 98
Hillsdale 1 147 97
Hillsdale 2 122 92
Kinderhook 1 186 104
Kinderhook 2 160 80
Kinderhook 3 197 114
Kinderhook 4 193 119
Kinderhook 5 153 147
Kinderhook 6 124 117
Kinderhook 7 179 113
Kinderhook 8 176 126
Livingston 1 214 190
Livingston 2 110 104
New Lebanon 1 150 125
New Lebanon 2 179 152
Stockport 1 170 109
Stockport 2 153 91
Stuyvesant 1 156 94
Stuyvesant 2 199 165
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 86 34
Hudson 2 85 39
Hudson 3 150 55
Hudson 4 62 29
Hudson 5-1 166 56
Hudson 5-2 183 69
Total 8,283 5,553
Proposal Number Four, an Amendment Settling Disputed Title in the Forest Preserve (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 141 55
Ancram 2 94 46
Austerlitz 1 203 64
Austerlitz 2 209 51
Canaan 1 117 37
Canaan 2 142 55
Chatham 1 270 96
Chatham 2 187 54
Chatham 3 348 109
Claverack 1 198 84
Claverack 2 245 89
Claverack 3 202 95
Claverack 4 260 102
Claverack 5 115 68
Clermont 1 248 125
Copake 1 277 110
Copake 2 324 124
Gallatin 1 235 86
Germantown 1 206 74
Germantown 2 191 63
Ghent 1 264 91
Ghent 2 237 106
Ghent 3 222 99
Ghent 4 165 58
Greenport 1 179 102
Greenport 2 157 69
Greenport 3 239 88
Hillsdale 1 181 69
Hillsdale 2 155 59
Kinderhook 1 233 50
Kinderhook 2 176 70
Kinderhook 3 229 87
Kinderhook 4 221 88
Kinderhook 5 216 85
Kinderhook 6 160 87
Kinderhook 7 208 82
Kinderhook 8 234 73
Livingston 1 282 131
Livingston 2 146 70
New Lebanon 1 212 74
New Lebanon 2 236 96
Stockport 1 191 86
Stockport 2 163 77
Stuyvesant 1 181 74
Stuyvesant 2 285 84
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 97 26
Hudson 2 91 27
Hudson 3 156 47
Hudson 4 67 29
Hudson 5-1 162 67
Hudson 5-2 167 74
Total 10,124 3,912
Proposal Number Five, an Amendment In Relation to a Land Exchange in the State Forest Preserve with NYCO Minerals, Inc. (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 106 93
Ancram 2 77 65
Austerlitz 1 137 124
Austerlitz 2 133 127
Canaan 1 75 77
Canaan 2 108 88
Chatham 1 188 177
Chatham 2 142 98
Chatham 3 255 204
Claverack 1 151 126
Claverack 2 161 168
Claverack 3 151 146
Claverack 4 181 177
Claverack 5 94 94
Clermont 1 201 175
Copake 1 205 184
Copake 2 226 219
Gallatin 1 173 149
Germantown 1 129 144
Germantown 2 117 138
Ghent 1 196 158
Ghent 2 175 168
Ghent 3 164 153
Ghent 4 111 108
Greenport 1 157 122
Greenport 2 127 101
Greenport 3 204 117
Hillsdale 1 109 137
Hillsdale 2 105 112
Kinderhook 1 184 103
Kinderhook 2 132 111
Kinderhook 3 180 134
Kinderhook 4 178 131
Kinderhook 5 169 137
Kinderhook 6 124 125
Kinderhook 7 179 111
Kinderhook 8 186 119
Livingston 1 230 185
Livingston 2 116 97
New Lebanon 1 141 147
New Lebanon 2 173 157
Stockport 1 148 127
Stockport 2 132 103
Stuyvesant 1 145 112
Stuyvesant 2 208 163
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 40 82
Hudson 2 65 53
Hudson 3 90 112
Hudson 4 44 50
Hudson 5-1 113 116
Hudson 5-2 143 104
Total 7,478 6,528
Proposal Number Six, An Amendment Increasing Age until which Certain State Judges Can Serve (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 88 118
Ancram 2 65 84
Austerlitz 1 122 153
Austerlitz 2 126 141
Canaan 1 76 88
Canaan 2 82 121
Chatham 1 154 228
Chatham 2 119 133
Chatham 3 212 247
Claverack 1 96 201
Claverack 2 131 217
Claverack 3 123 193
Claverack 4 168 207
Claverack 5 67 125
Clermont 1 154 236
Copake 1 153 255
Copake 2 180 292
Gallatin 1 140 194
Germantown 1 105 184
Germantown 2 102 160
Ghent 1 158 221
Ghent 2 139 224
Ghent 3 112 225
Ghent 4 80 148
Greenport 1 103 210
Greenport 2 83 159
Greenport 3 141 207
Hillsdale 1 111 150
Hillsdale 2 88 133
Kinderhook 1 123 180
Kinderhook 2 110 143
Kinderhook 3 120 208
Kinderhook 4 110 212
Kinderhook 5 96 217
Kinderhook 6 79 179
Kinderhook 7 109 199
Kinderhook 8 101 220
Livingston 1 156 272
Livingston 2 69 155
New Lebanon 1 122 180
New Lebanon 2 124 216
Stockport 1 100 192
Stockport 2 89 172
Stuyvesant 1 90 175
Stuyvesant 2 152 235
Taghkanic 1 0 0
Hudson 1 70 58
Hudson 2 63 57
Hudson 3 98 114
Hudson 4 41 57
Hudson 5-1 109 126
Hudson 5-2 103 157
Total 5,712 8,978
Referendum for Roeliff Jansen Community Library (Vote for 1)
Ancram 1 90 126
Ancram 2 70 82
Total 160 208
Referendum for Roeliff Jansen Community Library (Vote for 1)
Copake 1 221 210
Copake 2 221 268
Total 442 478
Referendum for Roeliff Jansen Community Library (Vote for 1)
Hillsdale 1 140 129
Hillsdale 2 125 113
Total 265 242
Results from Greene County Election web site.
STATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE 3rd Judicial District (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Richard J. McNally (DEM, IND) 3,527 35.15%
DEM 2,949 29.39%
IND 578 5.76%
Carol Donnelly Stevens (REP, CON) 6,196 61.76%
REP 4,899 48.83%
CON 1,297 12.93%
W. Dennis Duggan (WOR) 307 3.06%
Write-in 3 0.03%
Total 10,033 100.00%
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Terry J. Wilhelm (REP, CON) 8,157 99.74%
REP 6,210 75.94%
CON 1,947 23.81%
Write-in 21 0.26%
Total 8,178 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Richard E. Tompkins (REP) 149 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 149 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Leslie C. Holdridge (REP) 147 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 147 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Thomas H. Soule (REP) 140 49.47%
Scott O. Tuttle (REP) 143 50.53%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 283 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Justine L. Koehler (REP) 147 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 147 100.00%
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Larry R. Tompkins (REP) 144 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 144 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Ashland: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 168
Virginia C. Arturi (REP) 142 100.00%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 142 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Andrea Smallwood (DEM, VST) 433 39.94%
DEM 392 36.16%
VST 41 3.78%
Joseph B. Iraci (REP, CON, IND) 651 60.06%
REP 498 45.94%
CON 99 9.13%
IND 54 4.98%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,084 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Constance J. Pazin (REP, CON) 818 99.88%
REP 647 79.00%
CON 171 20.88%
Write-in 1 0.12%
Total 819 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Pamela J. Allen (DEM) 340 16.82%
April Paluch (REP, CON) 635 31.40%
REP 514 25.42%
CON 121 5.98%
Phyllisann Dinkelacker (DEM, IND) 423 20.92%
DEM 369 18.25%
IND 54 2.67%
Mary H. Brandow (REP, CON) 621 30.71%
REP 508 25.12%
CON 113 5.59%
Write-in 3 0.15%
Total 2,022 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Unexpired Term) (Vote for 1)
Town of Athens: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,116
Timothy O'Leary (DEM, VST) 434 41.57%
DEM 393 37.64%
VST 41 3.93%
Michael J. Ragaini (REP, CON) 609 58.33%
REP 496 47.51%
CON 113 10.82%
Write-in 1 0.10%
Total 1,044 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Ted Banta (DEM, IND) 819 99.27%
DEM 528 64.00%
IND 291 35.27%
Write-in 6 0.73%
Total 825 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Leland E. Miller (REP, CON, IND) 981 99.39%
REP 621 62.92%
CON 209 21.18%
IND 151 15.30%
Write-in 6 0.61%
Total 987 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Michael W. Murphy (DEM) 520 22.17%
Mary Jo Cords (REP, CON, IND) 813 34.65%
REP 515 21.95%
CON 203 8.65%
IND 95 4.05%
Douglas L. Ostrander, Jr. (REP, CON, IND) 1,012 43.14%
REP 638 27.20%
CON 230 9.80%
IND 144 6.14%
Write-in 1 0.04%
Total 2,346 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Cairo: reported: 7 of 7 100.00%
Ballots: 1,349
Susan B. Hilgendorff (DEM, REP, CON, IND) 1,165 99.91%
DEM 327 28.04%
REP 545 46.74%
CON 178 15.27%
IND 115 9.86%
Write-in 1 0.09%
Total 1,166 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Catskill: reported: 14 of 14 100.00%
Ballots: 2,087
Ronald E. Dombrowski, Jr. (DEM, WOR) 1,023 29.58%
DEM 844 24.41%
WOR 179 5.18%
Robert C. Antonelli (REP, CON) 1,163 33.63%
REP 923 26.69%
CON 240 6.94%
Jared A. Gordiano (REP, CON) 1,266 36.61%
REP 957 27.67%
CON 309 8.94%
Write-in 6 0.17%
Total 3,458 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Donald A. Daoust (DEM, IND) 787 47.30%
DEM 650 39.06%
IND 137 8.23%
Richard K. Hanse (REP, CON) 876 52.64%
REP 693 41.65%
CON 183 11.00%
Write-in 1 0.06%
Total 1,664 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Richard H. Roberg (REP, CON) 1,267 99.92%
REP 977 77.05%
CON 290 22.87%
Write-in 1 0.08%
Total 1,268 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Patrick B. Kennedy (DEM, IND) 848 26.46%
DEM 700 21.84%
IND 148 4.62%
Jeffery R. Lewis (REP, CON) 800 24.96%
REP 622 19.41%
CON 178 5.55%
Robert J. VanValkenburg, Jr. (DEM, IND) 780 24.34%
DEM 637 19.88%
IND 143 4.46%
Earl K. Hotaling (REP, CON) 777 24.24%
REP 619 19.31%
CON 158 4.93%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 3,205 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Bambi L. Hotaling (REP, CON) 1,269 100.00%
REP 984 77.54%
CON 285 22.46%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,269 100.00%
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Michael J. Tighe (DEM, IND) 1,175 99.32%
DEM 864 73.03%
IND 311 26.29%
Write-in 8 0.68%
Total 1,183 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Coxsackie: reported: 6 of 6 100.00%
Ballots: 1,685
Linda J. Wilkinson (REP, CON) 1,294 100.00%
REP 1,012 78.21%
CON 282 21.79%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,294 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
William A. Carr, Jr. (REP, CON) 358 99.44%
REP 273 75.83%
CON 85 23.61%
Write-in 2 0.56%
Total 360 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Karen J. Tirpak (REP, CON) 356 99.72%
REP 273 76.47%
CON 83 23.25%
Write-in 1 0.28%
Total 357 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Nicholas C. Nahas (DEM, REP) 351 50.72%
DEM 110 15.90%
REP 241 34.83%
Jodi L. Wood (REP, CON) 340 49.13%
REP 261 37.72%
CON 79 11.42%
Write-in 1 0.14%
Total 692 100.00%
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Chrissy D. Kohrs (REP, CON) 378 99.74%
REP 293 77.31%
CON 85 22.43%
Write-in 1 0.26%
Total 379 100.00%
Town of Durham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 460
Joseph S. VanHolsteyn (REP) 334 99.70%
Write-in 1 0.30%
Total 335 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Paul J. Macko (REP, CON) 643 99.69%
REP 458 71.01%
CON 185 28.68%
Write-in 2 0.31%
Total 645 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Richard P. Schreiber (REP, CON) 633 99.69%
REP 452 71.18%
CON 181 28.50%
Write-in 2 0.31%
Total 635 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Richard Y. Bear (REP, CON) 619 50.16%
REP 440 35.66%
CON 179 14.51%
Kenneth M. Stern (REP, CON) 610 49.43%
REP 435 35.25%
CON 175 14.18%
Write-in 5 0.41%
Total 1,234 100.00%
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Jacqueline Park (REP, CON) 648 99.85%
REP 458 70.57%
CON 190 29.28%
Write-in 1 0.15%
Total 649 100.00%
Town of Greenville: reported: 3 of 3 100.00%
Ballots: 773
Richard B. Hempstead (REP, CON) 615 99.19%
REP 438 70.65%
CON 177 28.55%
Write-in 5 0.81%
Total 620 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
A. Innes Kasanof (DEM, REP) 57 98.28%
DEM 36 62.07%
REP 21 36.21%
Write-in 1 1.72%
Total 58 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Kenneth Williams (DEM, REP) 58 98.31%
DEM 36 61.02%
REP 22 37.29%
Write-in 1 1.69%
Total 59 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Alan S. White (DEM, REP) 60 50.00%
DEM 35 29.17%
REP 25 20.83%
Chris DiBenedetto (DEM, REP) 59 49.17%
DEM 34 28.33%
REP 25 20.83%
Write-in 1 0.83%
Total 120 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Patricia L. Warfield (DEM, REP) 55 88.71%
DEM 34 54.84%
REP 21 33.87%
Write-in 7 11.29%
Total 62 100.00%
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Russell C. Bouton (DEM, REP) 63 96.92%
DEM 36 55.38%
REP 27 41.54%
Write-in 2 3.08%
Total 65 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Halcott: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 71
Robin M. White (DEM, REP) 64 100.00%
DEM 38 59.38%
REP 26 40.63%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 64 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
Daryl E. Legg (DEM, REP) 637 99.22%
DEM 386 60.12%
REP 251 39.10%
Write-in 5 0.78%
Total 642 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
James A. Volker (REP) 454 99.78%
Write-in 1 0.22%
Total 455 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
Anthony B. Coiro (DEM) 521 37.73%
Jason C. Haines (REP) 247 17.89%
Dolph J. Semenza (DEM, REP) 609 44.10%
DEM 363 26.29%
REP 246 17.81%
Write-in 4 0.29%
Total 1,381 100.00%
Town of Hunter: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 747
John G. Farrell (DEM, REP) 669 99.26%
DEM 401 59.50%
REP 268 39.76%
Write-in 5 0.74%
Total 674 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Jewett: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 297
Michael R. Flaherty (DEM, IND) 126 43.60%
DEM 96 33.22%
IND 30 10.38%
Carol A. Muth (REP) 162 56.06%
Write-in 1 0.35%
Total 289 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Jewett: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 297
David S. Kessler (DEM) 64 11.72%
William C. Trach (REP) 151 27.66%
James R. Quackenbush (IND) 76 13.92%
Steven C. Jacobs (DEM) 93 17.03%
Nathan D. Miles (REP) 161 29.49%
Write-in 1 0.18%
Total 546 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Dixie L. Baldrey (DEM) 213 61.74%
Donald A. Falke (REP) 132 38.26%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 345 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Allen B. Cross (DEM) 67 19.20%
Robert A. Basil (REP) 282 80.80%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 349 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Jose J. Cuesta (DEM) 85 12.92%
Bradley J. Jenkins (REP) 135 20.52%
Michael P. Barcone (DEM) 191 29.03%
Sharon E. D'Addario (REP) 121 18.39%
Write-in 126 19.15%
Total 658 100.00%
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
Alice Marie Cross (DEM) 194 56.07%
Emily Plishner (REP) 152 43.93%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 346 100.00%
Town of Lexington: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 356
George D. Dart (DEM) 167 47.99%
Frank G. Hermance (REP) 181 52.01%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 348 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Susan K. O'Rorke (DEM, OUR) 536 49.13%
DEM 476 43.63%
OUR 60 5.50%
Nicholas A. Dellisanti (REP, CON, IND) 555 50.87%
REP 399 36.57%
CON 113 10.36%
IND 43 3.94%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,091 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Hilary A. Schrauf (DEM, OUR) 488 22.85%
DEM 428 20.04%
OUR 60 2.81%
Jeffry R. Ruso (REP, CON, IND) 585 27.39%
REP 394 18.45%
CON 136 6.37%
IND 55 2.57%
Janet I. Angelis (DEM) 434 20.32%
Shelly A. VanEtten (REP, CON, IND) 629 29.45%
REP 432 20.22%
CON 141 6.60%
IND 56 2.62%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 2,136 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Janet A. Brooks (DEM, OUR) 685 62.39%
DEM 599 54.55%
OUR 86 7.83%
Ann Marie Vadney (REP, CON, IND) 413 37.61%
REP 288 26.23%
CON 95 8.65%
IND 30 2.73%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,098 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of New Baltimore: reported: 4 of 4 100.00%
Ballots: 1,120
Diane A. Jordan (DEM, RTP) 640 59.59%
DEM 564 52.51%
RTP 76 7.08%
Sally-Anne Russo (REP, IND) 434 40.41%
REP 382 35.57%
IND 52 4.84%
Write-in 0 0.00%
Total 1,074 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Kory P. O'Hara (DEM, IND) 176 63.31%
DEM 151 54.32%
IND 25 8.99%
Frank J. Cangelosi (REP, UNP) 101 36.33%
REP 82 29.50%
UNP 19 6.83%
Write-in 1 0.36%
Total 278 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 2)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Vincent P. Igoe (DEM, IND) 101 19.02%
DEM 90 16.95%
IND 11 2.07%
Robert J. Blain (REP, UNP) 173 32.58%
REP 149 28.06%
UNP 24 4.52%
David A. Rikard (DEM, IND) 134 25.24%
DEM 113 21.28%
IND 21 3.95%
Michelle Blain (REP, UNP) 122 22.98%
REP 101 19.02%
UNP 21 3.95%
Write-in 1 0.19%
Total 531 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
James M. Thorington (DEM) 147 27.12%
Donald R. Schoenborn, Jr. (REP, UNP) 120 22.14%
REP 103 19.00%
UNP 17 3.14%
Kristin Tompkins (DEM, IND) 173 31.92%
DEM 152 28.04%
IND 21 3.87%
Emily M. Morse (REP, UNP) 101 18.63%
REP 80 14.76%
UNP 21 3.87%
Write-in 1 0.18%
Total 542 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Laurissa M. Tilp (DEM) 75 28.20%
Kathleen D. Sherman (REP, UNP) 190 71.43%
REP 169 63.53%
UNP 21 7.89%
Write-in 1 0.38%
Total 266 100.00%
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
William C. Sutton (DEM, REP, IND) 248 99.20%
DEM 109 43.60%
REP 116 46.40%
IND 23 9.20%
Write-in 2 0.80%
Total 250 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Prattsville: reported: 1 of 1 100.00%
Ballots: 282
Switlana Breigle (DEM) 118 43.22%
Carole Cangelosi (REP, UNP) 154 56.41%
REP 133 48.72%
UNP 21 7.69%
Write-in 1 0.37%
Total 273 100.00%
SUPERVISOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Stephen J. Walker (REP, CON) 266 47.58%
REP 216 38.64%
CON 50 8.94%
Stacy M. Post (IND) 292 52.24%
Write-in 1 0.18%
Total 559 100.00%
TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Christopher Mattiace (REP, CON) 447 99.78%
REP 358 79.91%
CON 89 19.87%
Write-in 1 0.22%
Total 448 100.00%
COUNCILMAN (Vote for 2)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Wayne E. VanValin (REP, CON) 306 28.90%
REP 248 23.42%
CON 58 5.48%
Edward D. Shanley (IND) 195 18.41%
Robert J. Pelham (REP, CON) 368 34.75%
REP 295 27.86%
CON 73 6.89%
Erica L. Regan (IND) 185 17.47%
Write-in 5 0.47%
Total 1,059 100.00%
TOWN CLERK (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Bonnie L. Poehmel (REP) 358 71.17%
Cynthia L. Lonecke (CON) 144 28.63%
Write-in 1 0.20%
Total 503 100.00%
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Thomas F. Hoyt (REP, CON, IND) 477 96.95%
REP 331 67.28%
CON 67 13.62%
IND 79 16.06%
Write-in 15 3.05%
Total 492 100.00%
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for 1)
Town of Windham: reported: 2 of 2 100.00%
Ballots: 566
Dawn L. Hitchcock (REP, CON) 483 99.79%
REP 387 79.96%
CON 96 19.83%
Write-in 1 0.21%
Total 484 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER ONE, AN AMENDMENT Authorizing Casino Gaming (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 5,892 56.08%
No 4,615 43.92%
Total 10,507 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER TWO, AN AMENDMENT Additional Civil Service Credit for Veterans with Disabilities Certified Post-Appointment (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 8,310 83.05%
No 1,696 16.95%
Total 10,006 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER THREE, AN AMENDMENT Exclusion of Indebtedness Contracted for Sewage Facilities (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 5,401 57.52%
No 3,989 42.48%
Total 9,390 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER FOUR, AN AMENDMENT Settling Disputed Title in the Forest Preserve (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 6,271 66.86%
No 3,109 33.14%
Total 9,380 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER FIVE, AN AMENDMENT In Relation to a Land Exchange in the State Forest Preserve with NYCO Minerals, Inc. (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 4,966 52.69%
No 4,459 47.31%
Total 9,425 100.00%
PROPOSAL NUMBER SIX, AN AMENDMENT Increasing Age until which Certain State Judges Can Serve (Vote for 1)
Any: reported: 52 of 52 100.00%
Ballots: 11,077
Yes 3,291 33.32%
No 6,587 66.68%
Total 9,878 100.00%