Kyle Wind reports in the Daily Freeman in the debate Wed., Oct. 10 in Lake Katrine, U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson described his Congressional record as one of bipartisan cooperation and problem-solving. But Democratic challenger Julian Schreibman painted Gibson as a Tea Party extremist focused on a fringe agenda. The candidates for the new 19th Congressional District found common ground on a number of issues, like the importance of Israel’s security, the need for natural gas companies to disclose chemicals injected into the ground during the process known as hydraulic fracturing, and that the controversial legislation known as the USA Patriot Act, poses serious concerns regarding civil liberties. But the two candidates disagreed strongly on Medicare, Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan's plan for the federal budget and nuclear power. The debate was sponsored by the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce and Mid-Ulster League of Women Voters.
Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.