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DEC hunting fox with mange in Hudson

Oct 05, 2018 11:56 am
Amanda Purcell reports for Columbia-Greene Media that the sickly fox spotted recently in the Cedar Park Cemetery in Hudson is being hunted by the Department of Environmental Conservation, who want to treat it for mange. DEC officials do not believe the fox is rabid, and state-licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator Missy Runyan, who runs Friends of the Feathered and Furry Wildlife Center Inc. in Hunter, is trying to trap and treat the fox. Mange just causes itchiness for the animal. “They [the foxes] spend so much time scratching and not eating or doing what they should be doing, which causes them to hunt during the day,” she said. “Foxes with mange are often out during when there is less competition.” Runyan will use a box trap to catch the fox. According to the story, two other foxes with mange have been captured recently in Hudson. Anyone who sees a sick or diseased animal should contact the Wildlife Bureau via the bureau’s email: wildlife@dec.ny.gov. Read the full story at HudsonValley360.com.