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Ashland man charged with hate crime
Porcupine Soup is reporting that a resident of Ashland is among three men charged with a hate crime in Fleischmanns, in Delaware County. The morning of July 24, a Jewish man reported to state police that as he was walking along Main Street in Fleischmanns village a man got out of a pickup truck and stole his shtreimel (sch-TRAY-mell). A shtreimel is a fur hat worn by some Ashkenazi Jewish men, mainly members of Hasidic Judaism, on Shabbat and Jewish holidays and other festive occasions. According to troopers, the suspect returned to the pickup truck, which was occupied by the two other suspects, who all shouted anti-Semitic slurs and then drove off. Investigators were able to develop information that led them to identify the suspects. They were identified as Korey O. Bush, 25, of Ashland, Johan Diamond, 21, and Wesley R. Eignor Jr., 24, both of Delaware County. All three men have been charged by State Police with third-degree grand larceny as a hate crime, a class C felony. All three were arraigned and remanded to the Delaware County Jail on $5,000 cash bail or $20,000 bond. Read the full story at porcupinesoup [dot] com.