WGXC-90.7 FM

Grazin' Angus wins a husbandry award
Feb 14, 2011 6:34 am
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Eggmobiles, which follow other herds around, seen in action."]
[/caption]Grazin’ Angus Acres Farms has been awarded a $3,500 Good Husbandry Grant from the Animal Welfare Approved program, commemorating the business for their pasture-raised chickens and eggs. A Register-Star story about the award quotes Dan Gibson, the farm's owner, as saying how they, "Were one of (28) farms in the nation to be awarded the grant." Gibson added that he’ll use the grant to build at least two or three more EggMobiles from locally harvested lumber, of which Grazin’ Angus Acres already has five. The EggMobiles house the thousands of chickens which roam the grounds of the farm, and since they’re movable, the manure produced by the chickens helps to enrich the soil. “We actually move them around behind the cattle every day because they’re going to spread the manure piles the cattle leave behind, so spreading the manure actually fertilizes the grass for us,” said Gibson. “Getting grass in the (chicken’s) diet means the yolks in our eggs are bright, orange and delicious.”