WGXC-90.7 FM
League of Women Voters turn off webstreams at Dutchess County candidate forum
Oct 17, 2019 3:00 pm
The League of Women Voters of the Mid-Hudson Region held a candidates’ forum Oct. 16 with a live webstream for some of the event, but not when the candidates for Dutchess County Executive talked. The forum began at 7 p.m. at the FDR Presidential Library, and also included candidates for Dutchess County Clerk, and District Attorney. Reportedly members of the audience put up live webstreams of the early part of the event. But at 8 p.m., just before incumbent Republican Marc Molinaro and Democrat challenger Joe Ruggiero took the stage, organizers huddled with the candidates and decided to tell all audience members to turn off all live webstreams. A League of Women Voters official told WGXC they wanted, "to avoid issues when people splice and edit content out of context," though they did not say why they did not have that problem with the earlier part of the forum. Ruggiero, though, either misunderstood, or tells a different story. "League of Women Voters stated they’ve live-streamed in their previous events however in this case 'live-streaming would show one candidate in a more favorable light than another,'" he wrote in a message to WGXC. The Panda TV 23 station was recording the event, but for an unknown reason, were not live webstreaming. League of Women Voters officials say Panda TV 23 will post a recording of the event in a few days.