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Molinaro, Stefanik, and Ryan vote for bill to block schools from housing migrants

Jul 21, 2023 1:03 pm

Andrea Macko reports for Porcupine Soup that Republicans Marc Molinaro and Elise Stefanik and Democrat Pat Ryan voted for a bill that prohibits schools from being used as shelters for migrants, while Democrat Paul Tonko voted against. Molinaro said, "Schools are places for academics, athletics, community services, and places where children like mine receive vital therapy. They are not migrant shelters." The bill does not ban using schools as shelters for other reasons, such as weather emergencies. It also has very little chance of ever becoming law by passing the Senate and getting the president's signature. Ryan was among only four Democrats voting for the proposal, and Molinaro sponsored the bill. The White House released a statement saying the bill, "would supersede local control, interfering with the ability of States and municipalities to effectively govern and make decisions about their school buildings.” Republicans usually favor local control and less federal regulation, but not this time. Read more about this story at Porcupine Soup.