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Despite majority, Democrats may not control Senate
Apr 22, 2016 12:04 am
Jesse McKinley in The New York Times reports that though it appears Democrat Todd D. Kaminsky won the District 9 State Senate race April 19, and the tie between Republicans and Democrats in the legislative branch has been broken, little may change in Albany. First, Kaminsky leads by 780 votes with 2,917 absentee votes outstanding. But if he wins, Democrats would have more seats in the Senate than Republicans, but they still might not control the chamber. "Democrats are effectively split into three groups: about two dozen traditional members led by Andrea Stewart-Cousins of Westchester County; five Independent Democrats led by Jeffrey D. Klein of the Bronx and Westchester; and Simcha Felder of Brooklyn, who caucuses with Republicans to help form their slim majority," McKinley writes. Felder says he will continue to caucus with the Republicans. Read the full story in The New York Times.