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Cuomo mum on names of pardoned
Feb 16, 2018 1:30 pm
Brendan J. Lyons reports at Capitol Confidential that Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently pardoned 39 people for undisclosed crimes they committed as teenagers, but refuses to disclose the names of the pardoned. “The entire point of this program is to give a second chance to people who made a mistake when they were young, but have been leading law-abiding lives for years, if not decades,” said Richard Azzopardi, a Cuomo spokesman. “Proactively releasing their identities defeats the purpose.” In 1987, the Prisoners’ Rights Project asked Cuomo’s father, then-Gov. Mario Cuomo, for access to pardon records dating back to 1982. State Supreme Court Justice Lawrence E. Kahn — now a senior U.S. District judge — said the governor’s office was obligated to release detailed information on each pardon or commutation, including the name of the convicted person, and the crimes for which they were convicted. Read the full story at Capitol Confidential.