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Schumer complains about Dutchess cell service

Oct 14, 2015 12:02 am
Amanda J Purcell reports in The Poughkeepsie Journal that the Hudson Valley ranks among the worst of 125 populous U.S. metro areas surveyed for mobile network performance, and New York Senator Charles Schumer (D-) was in Millbrook Oct. 12 to talk about that problem. Schumer was asking the Federal Communications Commission to investigate if network providers fairly and accurately advertise their wireless coverage. Schumer specifically cited the Town of Clinton, Village of Millbrook, the Town of Milan, and along the Taconic Parkway as areas with poor cell service. “Dutchess County’s Emergency Response system is hindered by the lack of cellular service, in part because you can’t triangulate phone calls,” Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said. “When you call 911, you might very well be redirected to a state police dispatch who then physically through a manual operation has to transfer you back to 911." Dutchess will debut a system that would allow texting to 911 later this year. Read the full story in The Poughkeepsie Journal.