WGXC-90.7 FM

Early cold may have hurt plants
Dec 08, 2018 12:04 am
Bob Beyfuss reports in The Greenville Pioneer that record-breaking cold in Thanksgiving weekend may wreak major damage to local landscape plantings. "Most trees and shrubs that can tolerate our typical winter weather have to gradually “harden off” each fall over a period of weeks. This year the cold weather arrived far too soon and far too suddenly for that natural process to happen. The result may be lots of dead landscape plants next spring or, poor flowering on many normally, reliable plants." Trees planted in the past year are especially at risk from the early cold, and Beyfuss writes, "I would not be surprised if there are no peach, cherry, forsythia, redbud, flowering almond, plum or even apple blossoms next spring." Read the full story in The Greenville Pioneer.