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Molinaro breaks with most Republicans against condemning Schiff

Jun 15, 2023 12:32 am

On June 14 Republican Marc Molinaro voted with 19 other Republicans and all Democrats to table a motion, "Censuring and condemning Adam Schiff, Representative of California’s 30th Congressional District." Molinaro voted with local Democrats Paul Tonko and Pat Ryan to table the motion, effectively killing a bill backed by the Republican leadership. Republican Elise Stefanik, who represents Rensselaer County and the rest of the 21st Congressional District, voted against tabling the motion that condemned Schiff “for conduct that misleads the American people in a way that is not befitting an elected Member of the House of Representatives.” The Hill reported that part of the motion said Schiff could be fined $16 million if the Ethics Committee finds that he “lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information.” Schiff is a prominent Democrat who is often interviewed on cable news shows. Last week a far-right group of representatives broke with Republican leadership to halt all proceedings in the House of Representatives. This week, 20 more moderate Republicans, including Molinaro, are breaking from leadership on this vote.