Deep Cycle: Reincarnation of Herman Meydag
Deep Cycle includes performances, readings interviews and incidents by several artists, writers, designers and theorists addressing the subject of a post-oil landscape. All works relate to specific sites along the constructed route. Topics of these presentations include: consumption, waste, transit, energy, transformation, and disaster.
Deep Cycle, Mobile Program
BEGIN (New York Museum of Firefighting)
01. Mobile 49 (MG), Straight Six (00:14)
02. Siren Demo, WAKE UP! (00:32)
03. David Koehn (read as dispatch by Joe Romero), Rescue Vehicles (03:20)
04. Paul Elliman, Whistle Tip (10:44)
05. Ryder Cooley, Mobile Death Report No.1 (01:47)
06. Mobile 49 (MG), PA01: Escape Pod (02:06)
07. Garrett Phelan, At What Point Will Common Sense Prevail #8: Life in the Country (10:37)
08. Ryder Cooley, Mobile Death Report No.2 (02:19)
09. John Cooley, Rip’s Return (From The Found Journal of Rip Van Winkle) (18:17)
10. Mobile 49 (MG), PA02: Tactical Incident Command (02:47)
11. John Ashbery, Rivers and Mountains (03:57)
12. Mobile 49 (MG), PA03: RACES (01:13)
13. Ryder Cooley, Mobile Death Report No.3 (01:03)
14. Gili Melamed-Lev, Translation and reading of Honi Ha’Magl, The Circle Drawer (05:10)
15. Brett Balogh, Everything Solid Melts Into Air (18:27)
16. Dan Beachy-Quick (Read by Christophe Vilaghy), Twittering Machine Dispatch (03:30)
17. Mobile 49 (MG), The Twittering Machine (10:18)
18. Mobile 49 (MG), PA04: Psychological First Aid (01:53)
19. Ryder Cooley, Mobile Death Report No.4 (02:14)
20. Garrett Phelan, At What Point Will Common Sense Prevail #26: Safe Risks (05:37)
21. Bodega Algae/Amber Frid-Jimenez, Superabundance of Ultra Deep (17:42)
22. Ryder Cooley, Mobile Death Report No.5 (02:11)
23. Garrett Phelan, At What Point Will Common Sense Prevail #18: The Absolute Present (08:36)
24. Brian Dewan, Perpetual Ballad of Rip Van Winkle (19:08)
25. Garrett Phelan, At What Point Will Common Sense Prevail #3: Soldiers as Peacekeepers (12:41)
26. Ryder Cooley, Mobile Death Report No.6 (01:38)
27. James Howard Kunstler, World Made By Hand Read By Sim Graham (44:18)
28. Mobile 49 (MG), PA05: Water Reservoir (02:15)
29. Mobile 49 (MG), Straight Six (00:14)
END (Lukoil)
Deep Cycle is made possible, in part, through the generous support of the Harpo Foundation; and co-presented by free103point9.