Deep Cycle / M49
Max Goldfarb's Deep Cycle project, was an area-responsive mobile radio program, originating in the Hudson Flag Day parade, proceeding along a stretch of New York State Route 23, stopping at a set of designated locations for performance and incidents, and resting at Wave Farm. The Mobile 49 (M49), an experimental mobile research/production facility, serves as the central component in Max Goldfarb's recent body of work, including Deep Cycle. The Deep Cycle publication documents the June 2010 procession and features contributions from Goldfarb's collaborating artists, writers, designers and theorists, which address the subject of a post-oil landscape: consumption, waste, transit, energy, transformation, and disaster.
Now installed at Wave Farm in Acra, NY. The M49 is open to public visitors, both as an artifact and as an active studio environment.
Deep Cycle is made possible, in part, with support from the Harpo Foundation.