WGXC-90.7 FM

Trance-Formational Listening: South Africa 1995
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Dennis Darrah.
We continue this week where we left off last week with an in-depth review of the music of South Africa in the immediate aftermath of the birth of this new inclusive nation when exiled musicians returned to re-unite and record with their compatriots who had stayed in the country throughout the Apartheid era.
Label: M.E.L.T. 2000 Album: "Free at Last" Artists: Various 1) Hungry on Arrival 2) Kasiamore Album: "Ancestral Healing" Artist: Pops Mohamed 3) Communal Well 4) Salaam Album: "Kon'ko Man" Artist: Madala Kuene 5) Sani Bonani Album: "Free at Last" Artists: Various 6) Sanibonani Album: "Kon'ko Man" Artist: Madala Kuene 7) Kon'ko Man Album: "Healer's Brew" Artists: Various 8) Mambhozi Album: "Kon'ko Man" 9) Abangoma (fade)
Music from around the world is featured. Bringing the audience into the realm of other cultures through music, hopefully expanding empathy for the “other,” and recognizing that “other” in ourselves. From Dennis Darrah at WGDR, Goddard College Plainfield, VT. wgdr.org/.