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Giffords takes on Faso on guns
May 12, 2018 12:12 am
David Lombardo reports in Capitol Confidential that a political group started by former-U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords is targeting John Faso (R-Kinderhook), and 11 other Republican candidates to try and defeat in November. Gun violence is the major issue for Giffords, who was injured by a shooter at a political event. “John Faso has taken $8,950 of campaign contributions from the NRA,” says an advertisement Giffords' group has made to attack Faso. “How does he vote? You guessed it, just like the NRA tells him.” Tom Szymanksi, Faso’s campaign manager, said in a statement, “John will always defend the rights of law-abiding gun owners to own firearms, but he supports common-sense measures like tightening background checks and banning bump stocks.... John Faso has also been one of the leading voices in a bipartisan effort to improve mental health care and ensure those struggling with mental health issues receive the quality health care and interventions they need.” Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.