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Thursday headlines
Feb 17, 2011 2:49 am
NL board holds off filling fifth seat
Paul Crossman in The Chatham Courier writes that the New Lebanon Town Board on Monday Feb. 14 decided to leave their fifth seat vacant until November elections. After a 30-minute executive session, Town Supervisor Margaret Robertson was not happy. “I was not comfortable with that decision,” Robertson told the Courier after the meeting. “I believe that having a fifth voice on the board could offset a tie vote, as well as offer a fifth perspective on the issues, but the rest of the board felt that we could manage our issues with only three board members and me.”
Ancram seeks volunteer workers to build place to play
Diane Valden in The Columbia Paper reports the Ancram Youth Commission plans a “community build” of a new town playground on the Town Hall property the weekend of April 29-May 1, with the grand opening set for May 4.
It's a whole new place to play
Jim Planck in The Daily Mail reports that Town of Catskill officials began discussion of the future of Ricky Cramer Memorial Field Wednesday night, following announcement by Town Councilman Kevin Lennon that he had just received notice from Catskill Babe Ruth representatives that they were no longer able to continue leasing the field.
End of the line for city trolley
Jamie Larson is back in The Register-Star, but he reports the Hudson trolley will end Feb. 28, replaced on March 1 with four new stops in Hudson along the Columbia County Transport Hudson-Greenport bus line.
Mental Health asks for salary hikes
Francesca Olsen in The Register-Star reports the Columbia County department asks for specific pay hikes for certain professional positions hard to fill. Will it hold, given the climate against paying anyone with government funds these days?
Paul Crossman in The Chatham Courier writes that the New Lebanon Town Board on Monday Feb. 14 decided to leave their fifth seat vacant until November elections. After a 30-minute executive session, Town Supervisor Margaret Robertson was not happy. “I was not comfortable with that decision,” Robertson told the Courier after the meeting. “I believe that having a fifth voice on the board could offset a tie vote, as well as offer a fifth perspective on the issues, but the rest of the board felt that we could manage our issues with only three board members and me.”
Ancram seeks volunteer workers to build place to play
Diane Valden in The Columbia Paper reports the Ancram Youth Commission plans a “community build” of a new town playground on the Town Hall property the weekend of April 29-May 1, with the grand opening set for May 4.
It's a whole new place to play
Jim Planck in The Daily Mail reports that Town of Catskill officials began discussion of the future of Ricky Cramer Memorial Field Wednesday night, following announcement by Town Councilman Kevin Lennon that he had just received notice from Catskill Babe Ruth representatives that they were no longer able to continue leasing the field.
End of the line for city trolley
Jamie Larson is back in The Register-Star, but he reports the Hudson trolley will end Feb. 28, replaced on March 1 with four new stops in Hudson along the Columbia County Transport Hudson-Greenport bus line.
Mental Health asks for salary hikes
Francesca Olsen in The Register-Star reports the Columbia County department asks for specific pay hikes for certain professional positions hard to fill. Will it hold, given the climate against paying anyone with government funds these days?