WGXC-90.7 FM
C-GCC women's basketball team ranked nationally for the first time
Bill Williams is reporting for WCTW-FM, "The Cat," the Columbia-Greene Community College Women's Basketball team has earned its first-ever NJCAA Division III national poll listing. The poll released February 21, ranked the team fifth in the division, with a record of 20 and 3, just as the women were about to wrap up the last week of regular season play. In addition to the first-ever national ranking, players All'aha Albright, Casirirs Ruiz, and Daniella Weinschreider all were named to the Mountain Valley All-Conference team, and Tanisha Edge was named 2017-18 Player of the Year for the second time in a row. The Twins women will face Jefferson Community College at home February 27, during the first round of the NJCAA playoffs. The game begins at 6 p.m. Columbia-Greene Community College will host a pep rally on the Greenport campus the same day to celebrate the team and its success this season, beginning at 12:30 p.m Read the full story at 985thecat [dot] iheart [dot] com.