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Texting-while-driving tickets up 35 percent

Apr 14, 2015 6:30 am
Matthew Hamilton is reporting at Capitol Confidential Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced Mon., Apr. 13, tickets for texting while driving were up 35 percent statewide from 2013 to 2014. Police issued more than 75,000 tickets in 2014, compared to nearly 56,000 in 2013. Cuomo's office did not make it clear if the additional tickets were due to stepped up police enforcement, a rise in cellphone use or a combination of the two. A March Siena poll showed that 90 percent of New Yorkers have cell phones. The poll also showed 81 percent use their phones to text. And while Siena didn’t ask if cellphone users texted while driving, the poll showed 39 percent of New Yorkers use some sort of wireless connection technology in the car. The texting while driving penalty is $450, plus five points. Read the full story at Capitol Confidential, a Times Union blog.